chapter 8.

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A picture of Queen Insun.  It's Lee Seo Yeon as Jang Ok Jung from Dong Yi.  She is perfect for Queen Insun and how I imagine her perfectly!:)


chapter 8.

            One day, Aria visits the shaman, Moo San.  They sit in her room both sitting across from each other enjoying a simple snack and drink.  Moo San is holding the talisman shaking her head at it.  “I’ve read through all my books more than once but it never mentions anything like this,” she states sighing and puts it aside.

            Aria lies on the ground with her arms behind her head.  “This sucks…” she says in her “Korean slang.”

            “You have such strange habits,” Moo San comments as she clucks her tongue and shakes her head.  However, she copies Aria’s same “strange” habit by lying on the floor herself.

            “I thought you said this was strange?” she jokes.

            “But it’s very comfortable!  Besides…no one is here to spy on us so hush!” she replies in a fake angry voice but smirks.  Aria laughs.

            Ever since Aria had shown Moo San the talisman, the two had gotten close and Aria thought it was nice that she had someone she could talk to without hiding under an identity like she had to do with the gisaengs, Old Man Shim, and the king of Joseon!  “It’s comfortable here,” she comments sighing.

            “Do you really want to go back?” Moo San asks turning to her friend.

            “Hmm…sometimes I think I’ll miss it here but more than anything I want to go home.  I feel so homesick that I don’t even know how I survive each day,” she remarks shaking her head in disbelief.

            After a moment of silence, Moo San says, “What about His Majesty?”  Aria had filled in Moo San about the king lodging at her house and what the he had asked of her.  She thought it might help in Moo San’s investigation of the talisman, but of course the shaman couldn’t think of how it could be related to the talisman and the event that had occurred before transporting Aria to this era. 

            “Don’t know.  Probably not…he was just an event that happened in my life.  That’s all,” she whispers.

            Unexpectedly, Moo san suddenly sat up and held up a finger her eyes bright.  “You told me before that the king wanted you to go to the palace, right?  And you said that you were transported from that time when you had gone to visit the palace right?  Well, what if you need to go back to the palace for it to work it again?” she says.

            Quickly sitting up, Aria’s eyes brightened with excitement.  “You’re such a genius, Moo San!” she replied as she threw her arms around the shaman’s neck and hugged her.

            “Wh-what are you doing?” she demanded flabbergasted by Aria’s action.

            “In my time, we do this to show our great appreciation instead of bowing to one another,” Aria explains giving her friend a wide smile.

            Moo San smiles back and laughs. “Then you must send word back to the king that you will go to the palace!”  Aria nods.  They lay back down on the floor.  “So, you’re not sad that your betrothal was broken off are you?”

            “Are you kidding me?!” Aria exclaimed.  And the girls roll over laughing hysterically.

            Back at the palace, a tired Min Woo takes a walk through the garden with Nae Si, Hwan, and the rest of the attendants following behind.  He had spent most of the day going through reports and arguing with his officials over political matters and what not.

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