chapter 2.

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chapter 2.

Laughter fills the air, while young gisaeng girls play in the creek.  Yeon Woo sits on a rock dangling her feet into the cool water.  She observes the girls playful chatter as they play jokes on one another.  Taking her hand, she starts to brush through her beautiful, long black hair that was envy of all the other girls.  She smiles reveling in the memory of how they would swoon whenever they had permission to touch her silky hair.

Abruptly, a shrill scream erupts the joyful afternoon.  Yeon Woo looks to where the scream had come from in annoyance.  Who could that be?  Jumping off her rock, she gathers her skirt and gracefully walks toward the direction.

“Yeon Woo!” cries Ae Rang practically flying towards her friend.

“What is it?” Yeon Woo snaps furrowing her eyebrows.

“Something happened!” Ae Rang replies pointing to where a group of rocks arose from the creek.

“What?”  she demands.  Not waiting for further answers, Yeon Woo decides to see for herself.  Upon approaching the huge rocks, Sun Hwa is leaning against the rocks her face pale as a lotus flower.  Her tiny body shivers in fright.  The other girls stand away looking just as frightened.  “What happened?” Yeon Woo inquires as she looks into the young girl’s eyes and puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Her wide eyes stare right into Yeon Woo’s.  “Th-there’s a dead body!” she whispers barely choking the words from her throat.  Yeon Woo gasps at this.

Turning to where Sun Hwa points, Yeon Woo quickly splashes through the water to see if what the two girls said is true. What she finds confirms the truth.  There laid a girl around Yeon Woo’s age in strange clothing.  Her body is twisted in an unnatural way and blood forms a halo around her head.  Going over to the limp body, she sticks her finger next to the girl’s nostrils.  She’s still alive!   Even though her breathe is weak.

Looking towards the group of girls, she orders, “Ae Rang, Eo Seom, Bo Kyung, Dan Ah…come help me lift the body.  This girl is still alive!”

“What?”  Ae Rang cries.  “Why?!”

“Why don’t we just leave it here?” Eo Seom suggests.

“Yeah…it’s not like anyone will notices,” Dan Ah replies.

“Now!” Yeon Woo yells giving each of the four girls a glare.

The four girls gather around and help lift the body.  The other girls help as they can while they head back to the gyobang, which housed the gisaengs.

Two hours later, all the girls were tired out after transporting a body all the way back to the gyobang.  Bo Kyung went to inform the Head Mistress of gisaengs about what had conspired.  Yeon Woo instructs the girls to set the body in her own room as the other girls laid out the bedding.

Upon hearing the news, Head Mistress quickly comes to see what the matter was.  “Aigoo!  What has happened?” she asked looking at her favorite, Yeon Woo.

“Sun Hwa found her while we were bathing in the creek.  It was thought she was dead, but when I examined her she was still breathing,” Yeon Woo answered.  Head Mistress nods her head. 

Crouching to examine the unconscious girl, Head Mistress looks to her gisaeng husband, Gaedochi, “Send for the physician!”  He nods his head and runs off.  Upon closer inspection, Yeon Woo must admit the girl is truly beautiful.

“This girl possesses a truly unique beauty,” Head Mistress practically repeats what Yeon Woo had thought. 

“Yes, Head Mistress,” Yeon Woo agrees.

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