"You act just like your father." I shook my head laughing.

"Dada." He smiled.

"Yeah your dada." I nodded my head.

After Keenon had his talk with Sabrina he came back into the room irritating me. "You wearin this with a bra right?" He asked examining the dress I had laid out on the bed. "Right?" He asked again after I hadn't answered his question.

"No, I can't wear that with a bra." I mumbled taking down my pin curls.

"But you will!" He retorted.

"Baby!" I whined looking at him with puppy dog eyes. He shook his head no. "That's going to look so tacky!" I tried explaining.

"So who you tryna look good for?" He questioned raising an eyebrow at me.

"Us." I smiled hoping he's let my outfit for tonight slide.

"Mm." He hummed walking out of the room and into the bathroom. "I'm not about to wear a bra with a spaghetti strap dress." I yelled at his retreating back.

"Guess you not bout to be wearin that dress either than!" He yelled from in the bathroom. I stuck my middle finger up in the direction of the bathroom.

"Do it again!" He yelled from in the bathroom.

"Do what?" I asked innocently as I rummaged through my closet looking for something else to wear.

"Now you dumb? You got amnesia?" I rolled my eyes as I laid a black jumpsuit type of outfit on the bed.

I stripped out of my robe trying on the outfit I laid out moments earlier. I admire myself in the floor length mirror. I turned to the side checking myself out.

"Thats better but button it up." Keenon said walking up to me. He took it upon himself to try and button up the top.

"It's not going to button up." I lost all the weight I gain with the twins but my hips and chest were here to stay.

"Put one of Aza bibs on, one that say Daddy's princess." He smirked trying to discreetly rub my breast. I swatted his hands away shaking my head.

"Are you ready? You know my mom and dad are going to want to talk for at least a half an hour when we drop the kids off."

"I'm ready when you change." He said sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"If I have to change so do you! Who do you think you are wearing button up shirts unbuttoned with no under shirt? Showing all my goodies." I laughed.

He mumbled something incoherent. "I'm ready!" He said grabbing his keys and phone off of the the dresser.

"That's what I thought! Let's go!" I smiled grabbing my clutch and phone off of the dresser.

"You ready to go see Glamma?" I asked Keon as kneeled down in front of him putting his shoes on.

"No!" He shook his head folding his little arms across his chest.

"I get Keon and you get Aza!" Keenon said helping Keon off of the couch. I nodded my head standing up.

"Let's go mamas!" I placed one of Aza's Dora book bag straps on my shoulder before grabbing her hand. I made sure I had everything before walking out of the living room.

"You got it?" I heard Keenon ask either Sabrina or Keon.

"Yes daddy I'm a big girl." Sabrina replied.

After everyone was ready to go we piled into the family truck. Transporting 3 kids around was not the easiest.


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