//27. Destiny.

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Sammy: I hate you. I hate you so much, you know that?

Destiny: I know, I do. I'm so sorry.

Sammy: I hate you for being so stupid! Why on Earth did you have to cut your wrist? Why??? Thank God that the blade didn't reach your vein. Otherwise, you'd have been dead by now! Now get old in the hospital!

Destiny: I didn't know what I was doing, Sam! For Christ's sake, I lost my brain. I lost myself!

Sammy: Still, at least you should've thought about your baby!

Destiny: I know I did a wrong thing.

Sammy: The most wrong thing!

Destiny: I know but I was broken, Sammy. Very broken! I had no idea what to do anymore. I hated my life, I hated being laughed at! I guess I just wanted to be like everyone else - normal and happy.

Sammy: Its better being different than being like everyone else.

Sammy: And you are normal and happy!

Destiny: I just pretend I'm normal and happy!

Sammy: I know everything has happened too fast for you and its probably a lot to take in, but you have to be strong. Tina, you have to be strong and move on. Not from fear and life, but move on forward. You have to fight and reach your goal, no matter how many times you are pushed down. Climb the steps of life. Even if you fall, get up! One day, you'll realise everything was worth waiting for!

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