//8. Keaten.

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Dear Keaten,

I think in the interval of two months, I've got to know you quite well. And every guy's always the same; they tell us they'll keep us near and loves us. But at the end, they let us go. And break up. Always! Don't they?

Also, considering your last sentence, I don't think you've met your Destiny yet. Because, well, you never meet your destiny. You face it.


Destiny Hayes.

Dear Ms. Hayes,

Again, considering your second sentence, I think you are wrong. Every boy is not the same. At least I'm not.

Keat x.

Dear Keat x,

Prove it, then.

Destiny x.

Dearest Destiny,

A pretty lady challenging me, huh?


Dear Keat,

I'm not pretty but I'm challenging you, sure.


Dear Destiny,

Don't forget you put yourself into this. Do not back out later.

Meet me in The Café at 6:30 pm on the 6th of July. I'll be the one in a red tie. Table no. 16.



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