Chapter Fourteen

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Erelos realized it had come from her. Pain engulfed her upper stomach and she looked down. An arrow was in her abdomen and sticking out her back.

"Erelos!" Thranduil gasped, and recovered from being pushed out of the way. Quickly, arrows all around them started to fly in every direction. The guards fired at the trees, and arrows came right back at them. Thranduil quickly came to Erelos's side. She sobbed and gasped, and gently touched the arrow. That only made it worse.

"Oow!!" She groaned. "It hurts!" She grabbed onto Thranduil, but her knees still gave out. He caught her, but she was still sobbing and withering in pain.

"Your majesty! You must get inside!"

Erelos glanced over to see Tauriel. Thranduil nodded and picked up Erelos. She clutched into him, half from the pain and half from support. Tauriel jogged beside them on full alert. Once they got inside she left them to go fight.

Erelos's eyelids slowly started to droop, and she glanced to the floor where she saw large droplets of blood falling behind them.

Pain and weakness took over, and Erelos closed her eyes.

And then the darkness came.

A bright light obscured her vision, and Erelos shielded her eyes. She went to roll over, but pressure on her shoulders stopped her. She pulled against the weight, but it was useless. She felt hands, but she couldn't see, it was too bright. She closed her eyes again and started to scream. The hands grabbed her and she fought back.


A familiar voice rang through the air.


"Yes, it is me." She felt a hand take hers. She flinched, but she realized it was his. She tried again to open her eyes. The bright light.

"Why can I not see? Where am I?"

"You have slept for many days and nights. Your eyes have not seen the light for three moons. Give them time."

Erelos tried again to sit up, but the hands stopped her. "Do not struggle, you must stay laying down."

Erelos bit her lip, but the tears came anyway. Light tears, but tears none the less.

"I thought I was dead. I had not a dream, but I could not hear. I could not wake or sleep. But I felt like I was awake but in a trance. I'm not even sure of what I thought." She heard Thranduil sigh, and he touched her hair.

"The healers are quite literally miracle workers."

He let go of her hand and she heard the chair scrape. "I will be back. The healers are here too, if you need anything."

He left the room, and Erelos wiped her eyes.

"He was here." She heard a voice say.

"Pardon?" She asked.

"His majesty. He barely left your side. He assumed you were going to pass, and he didn't want you to die alone. So he stayed here."

Erelos opened her eyes, desperate to see again. The light was painful, but she still sat through it. Finally after what seemed like forever, shapes of things started to show and she saw a healer cleaning a cabinet. She could see the door, the window. She looked down at herself to see her torso covered in a large bandage. She lifted the blanket to see nothing on her bottom half. She looked at the chair beside the bed to see one of Thranduil's silk robes casually draped over it.

"May I be alone, for a moment? Please?"

The healer nodded and left the room. Erelos quickly hopped out of bed, which was a mistake. She keeled over, clutching her stomach. Standing up again, she slipped on Thranduil's robe, which was way too big and dragged on the floor. Not wanting to imagine his wrath if it tore, Erelos scooped up the bottom to stop it from dragging. She opened the door and looked around. There was an elf talking to another and Erelos approached them. "Where did his majesty go?" Erelos questioned. They looked her up and down, and one pointed down the hall. She walked as fast as she could, and then she bumped into him.

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