Chapter Four

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Chatter poured from the great halls of Mirkwood, as the dark haired guests from Rivendell danced, ate, drank, and conversed. In her chambers Erelos stood in front of a mirror. Her hair was pulled into a tight braid and she wore a long white dress with a gold design. It wasn't her type, but Thranduil insisted. She had made a mask herself out of bark and twigs, which she put on. She walked down the corridor towards the loud flutes and laughter.

Almost everyone was in masks, and Erelos couldn't spot anyone she knew. She sat by herself to the side, and grabbed a glass of wine off a platter. Sipping it, she looked around the room once more. A hand landed on her shoulder, and she turned to see a familiar face. "Lord Elrond." She stood quickly and bowed. "Young Erelos, I hoped to see you tonight." Erelos smiled. While she disliked all the rules and annoyances that came with adults, Elrond and Thranduil had always been there to support, even though Erelos shrugged them off. That was something she would always appreciate. "I hoped also to speak to you after the ball. Shall we meet in the garden?" Erelos nodded. "Good." He bowed slightly and walked off. Erelos saw Legolas and walked towards him. He was calmly talking to a young elf, and he smiled when he spotted her. "Enjoying yourself?" 

"It's alright. I seem to have a place to be later. Lord Elrond wants to speak."

"What about?"

Erelos shrugged. "I couldn't tell you. He seemed to have a certain sadness or worry in his eye." 

Legolas frowned. "I do hope it is a merry subject."

She simply shrugged again. Thranduil came to them, holding a gold goblet. "Go dance." He took a sip and frowned. "Erelos, go dance with Marculus." 

"Nay. I would prefer to not eat for a month." 


"I will if you let me-" she thought for a moment. "-go hunting. Tomorrow."

"Deal." He took another sip. "But take him with you." He gestured to Legolas. 

Legolas nodded. "Will do, Father." 

Erelos sighed, put down her glass and walked towards Marculus. "Hey." She punched his shoulder. "Come dance." She grabbed his hand roughly and pulled him towards the music. She put his hand on her hip and held the other. "Did your fath- I mean His Majesty request this?" Erelos nodded. They awkwardly danced, while Erelos attempted to keep with the music. "You don't dance a lot, do you?" 

"No, but you don't keep your mouth shut a lot, do you?"

After the otherwise silent dance Erelos spent most of the rest of the ball sitting by herself while girls surrounded Marculus, Legolas was challenged to a drinking contest (he won) and Thranduil had to entertain his guests. After most people cleared away Erelos left to go meet Elrond. He was already waiting, with a nervous look. "M'Lord." Erelos bowed. He took her pale hands and sat her down. "I have information I regret to tell you."

Erelos frowned. "Do tell.."

"Your parents..they suffered an ill fate. They seemed to have past away into the beyond." 

Tears started to sting from behind her eyes. "..What?"

"I'm so sorry." He squeezed her hands.

 Later that night, sobs came from her chamber. They were terrible, loud sobs that tore through her throat. She buried her face in her hands. She had removed her dress and was in her bed gown. Her eyes were red from crying, and a large wet spot on her pillow from trying to silence her loudness. A quiet knock came from the door, and Thranduil walked in. He came and sat beside her on the bed. She turned and look at him with truthful woe. Erelos wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. Thranduil hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry Erelos." She hugged him tighter. "Oh Father." Thranduil froze slightly. She had called him father once before. He remembered it clearly. There was an attack, and the royal family; himself, his wife, Legolas, and Erelos, were all hiding in the throne room. Legolas and Erelos were quite young. Erelos was crying and didn't want Thranduil to leave to fight. "Father, I'm scared." She hugged him. He looked at his wife who smiled and nodded. "We shall conquer this fear!" He stuck his sword into the air. He went and found her a bow and arrow. "This," he said. "Will protect you if you need it." 

After this his wife died, and Erelos tried to call him father again, but he firmly corrected her. 

At this point, in Erelos' sadness, he didn't care.

"I'm here." His own tears threatened to appear as he too put his face in the crook of her neck. "I'm here."

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