Chapter Eleven

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Marculus jumped up and pulled up his leggings. He threw on his tunic and grabbed Erelos. "Here!" He whispered, and he put her silk robe on. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind a tree. "Stay." Erelos went to protest but heard someone coming through the bush. Marculus ran out and cleared his throat. "Over here!" He called out. Erelos listened as someone came from the bush.

"The king put out a message for a search." The elf said.

"A search?" Marculus questioned.

"Yes. For the princess Erelos."

Erelos covered her mouth to stop herself from gasping. If Thranduil was sending out a search party then he most likely knew about her attacking Legolas.

"I shall attempt to find her." Marculus stated, and the other elf ran off again.

"Erelos!" He came around the tree and grabbed her roughly. "What have you done?"

Erelos started to shake her head as tears stung her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I tried to explain-"

"What have you done?!" He yelled. He threw her onto the ground and reached into his armour. He pulled out a pair of shackles. "No! No, Marculus, please!" She sat up and tried to back up against the tree, but Marculus quickly grabbed her and put her wrists in the shackles.

"Let's go." He pulled the chains and Erelos stumbled behind.

"Listen to me, Marculus. I couldn't control my anger. It was an accident! I didn't mean to hurt Legolas-"

Marculus whipped around. "You harmed the prince?"

"Yes, but it was out of-"

She was stopped by his large hand colliding with her cheek. Erelos stood shocked, and she looked up at him. She looked at her feet and started to walk.

The walk back to the castle was quiet and painful, for Erelos had shown feelings back to Marculus, only for it to go downhill. They approached the castle and although she didn't look up once, Erelos could feel everyone's eyes on her.

The guards opened the doors to the throne room and a hush fell over the council.

"Leave me!" Thranduil's voice boomed through the room. Everyone left, leaving Thranduil, Marculus and Erelos.

Erelos looked up slightly, and gasped. She saw Legolas sitting in a chair by the throne being tended to by a healer. He looked at her with swollen features, and shook his head and looked away. Tears rolled down Erelos's cheeks and she looked up and jumped a bit. Thranduil was standing right in front of her. His illusion was gone, she could see the wound on his cheek clearly, and the look in his eyes was one she had never seen before. His eyes looked dead almost. He circled Marculus and Erelos once, and then frowned. He grabbed Erelos's jaw and pulled her head sideways. His hand ran over her exposed shoulder (her hands were in chains, so she didn't have the chance to adjust her robe) and stopped at the very obvious bite mark. His eyes met hers, and Erelos looked away. Thranduil looked at Marculus's neck and noticed the large, red blotches.

"Marculus, you may leave."

Marculus nodded and left the room. It was silent other than the sound of the healer whispering to Legolas, and Erelos thought she would scream from the silence.

"Did Marculus know of your actions before you laid with him?"


"You have no right to call me that!" Thranduil boomed. "You are no longer a member of this family. The damage you have done to the fellow elves of this kingdom is unfixable!"

Erelos opened her mouth but Thranduil grabbed her chains and pulled her in close. "You are nothing to me now." He dropped the chains and watched as Erelos started to sob.

"Erelos Clearrain, you are hereby banished from any elf realm, and may only live in the forest. You may not step foot in any kingdom unless your banishment is lifted."

Erelos dropped to her knees and sobbed. "Please, no! Fath-"

She wiped her years on her shoulder. "Please, your majesty! I beg of you!"

Thranduil walked up to his throne and looked down at her. "Guards! Take this filth from my sight. Her banishment shall proceed at dawn." A guard came and lifted Erelos from the ground and pulled her down to the dungeons. After throwing her in, Erelos curled into a ball and weeped. She stayed awake all night planning how to deal with her new situation. Then she came up with a plan.

Show no emotion.

The next morning a maid and a guard came to retrieve her. The maid bathed her and did her hair in a tight braid. She dressed Erelos in leggings and a tunic, and a long, brown leather jacket-robe. The maid left Erelos for a few moments. She looked around and then looked in the mirror. Erelos looked at her hair, and felt an urge come on. She searched through her drawers, but then looked on the desk and saw a little glass box. She smashed the box on the ground, and picked up a large shard. Erelos pulled apart her braid and brushed some hair to the front. Wrapping a part of the glass in a cloth so she wouldn't cut her fingers Erelos brought the glass to her hair and cut. She brushed and cut until she stepped back to see her work. She had jagged, messy bangs. She smiled, thinking how she would stand out from the other prim and proper elves. Erelos opened the door and the guard turned to face her. His eyebrows raised a bit but he proceeded in shackling her wrists. The two of them marched down the corridor and to the gates of the kingdom where Thranduil, the council, and a few others were gathered around. Thranduil stepped forward to Erelos.

"It is truly disappointing to me that you ended like this. Although, may the heavens watch over you." He kissed her head. Erelos kept a straight face, trying not to cry. Then something surprised her. Legolas hobbled out of the small crowd and stopped in front of her. "My sister,"

"I'm am no longer that."

" had potential. And still do. Please, be safe." He hugged her tightly, and turned around. Thranduil nodded, and the guard opened the gate and pulled Erelos over the kingdom line.

"You are now banished, Erelos Clearrain. Marculus?"

Marculus stepped forward. "Yes, your majesty?" He asked as he bowed for his king.

"You will take her to the darkest place in these forests."

The golden blonde nodded and took the chain from the guard. Slowly, Erelos watched as they went further and further from the kingdom. It slowly became darker and harder to walk, until they finally stopped. Marculus undid Erelos's shackles and stepped back. "I have something for you." He said. He reached into his quiver and pulled out a bow. Her bow.

"I got it from the weapons room. It's for hunting."

Erelos took it from him and touched it gently. "Why would you give this to me? She asked. Marculus smiled lightly. "Although I find you disgusting for what you have done, I won't deny my feelings for you still linger. You have anger problems, and for that I don't think you should die. So use the bow, protect yourself if needed." He slipped the quiver off his back and handed it to her. He kissed her cheek and backed away. "I must go. Farewell, Erelos." He turned and ran off into the infinite darkness. Erelos stood in the cover of the large trees, holding her bow and quiver. A tear started down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away. Pulling in the quiver, Erelos started to make her way up a tree. It was about high afternoon, but there was no light and she was tired from not sleeping. As she climbed she heard a hushed voice.

"Hello, darling."

Autgor's Note:

So oh my goodness! Erelos was banished! What do you think of that? Sorry if anyone was ooc, but it had to be done (lol no it didn't I feel terrible) but you should comment! Tell me what you think so far! Please! I probably won't update until I get at least two comments because I need to know if you people like it! And it would make me really happy :) so please please comment love you guys toodles for now <33

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