Chapter Two

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Erelos sat in front of the Elven king, her eyes closed, body relaxed. "This is a stupid idea. This won't help, and all you're doing is being odd." Thranduil shrugged. "If it helps, so be it." He reached for his pipe (flute) and began to play a soft melody. It hummed through Erelos's body like a warm sensation. Music always calmed her as a child, but she grew out of it. Thranduil stopped playing, and gently put it down. "Erelos, you let your anger drive you, and you mustn't. Perhaps spending some time with Marculus-" Erelos shot up from her spot. "I would rather kiss a dwarf then be his pet!" She stomped past the blond and slammed the door behind her. Thranduil sighed, and picked up his flute to put away.

Erelos marched to the stables where her horse, Leiss, awaited her company. She needed a ride. As she gathered her saddle and things a shadow appeared behind her. Turning around quickly, Erelos pointed her dagger at his throat. "Marculus." 

"Erelos. Still can't make weapons?" His grey eyes glanced at the ill made dagger in her hands. She put it back in its sleeve. "What do you want?" Marculus took the saddle from her hands. "You shouldn't leave. It's almost dark." She snatched it back. "You aren't my guard, Marculus. I am capable of a night ride." She saddled the horse, and removed its blindings. "Let me come." He put a pale hand on her shoulder. Erelos shrugged it off. "No." She jumped onto Leiss and "Heeyah!"ed him. The dust from them gathered in Marculus's golden hair, and he coughed and covered his nose and mouth.

Erelos rode past the city and into the forest. She had a small, but quiet spot where she would sit and calm down. It was like an opening, where it lead to a cliff that showed the water's edge. Erelos hopped off her horse and sat on the edge. She closed her eyes sighed. What she wished for most was to be accepted into the guard, accepted as a "normal" elf, and to rid herself of her...issues. A small bird landed near her, pecking at the ground. She gently put her hand near it, holding a few seeds. (She always carried a pouch) "You can be gentle when you want to be." The bird flew away, and Erelos whipped around. Marculus stood, hair now in a tight ponytail. "I said not to follow me." She got up and walked past him. He turned and walked by her side. "I decided against your request. His majesty thinks I am perhaps, a good influence." Erelos continued to walk. Marculus roughly pushed her against a tree. "You don't listen very you...Lady Clearrain?"  

"I can't deny that."

Marculus leaned in. "You would teach you for...other times." He stepped back, freeing Erelos. "If you really don't want me here, I'll will go." He mounted himself on his horse, nodded, and was off

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