Chapter 1

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Grunts ad sword clashing came from the hall of the castle of Mirkwood. The king was walking down the corridor to put faces to sounds. Not to his surprise, his son, Legolas was being brutally attacked by a average sized girl with long, brown hair. A look of anger and hurt was on her face, and she threw her fists and sword into Legolas's shield. Thranduil calmly walked into the hall, the two younger elves ignoring his presence. Legolas glanced over and quickly shot up. "Father-" The girl was too fast for herself and didn't have time to stop her fist from hitting Legolas's now exposed face. Her clenched hand collided with his cheek, and he stumbled. She gasped, then quickly recovered. "Legolas, if you are done with this child's play, you can leave please." Legolas did a little bow, and exited the hall, gently touching his throbbing cheek. The girl put the sword back in its spot on the rack, and leaned down to tie her boot. "Erelos Clearrain." Thranduil spoke in a firm voice. She avoided looking at him. "Erelos, I received word that you were in the weapons room against my rule this morning. You were band from there for a whole new moon. Yet, here we are." Erelos looked up at him, large brown eyes full of annoyance. "I wanted to leave with the guard this morning. They said no. So I was going to go by myself but that dog-" Thranduil raised his brow. She cleared her throat. "I mean- lovely man Marculus, forbid me and reported back to you." Thranduil sighed and sat on a bench, patting the seat beside him. Erelos sat and slumped in defeat. "Erelos, there are actions that one does for their own need or want, and there can be punishments for that. You need to learn when to accept a punishment. Today you will clean the horse stables, and then report back to me." The girl groaned, but quickly got up.  She tied her brown cloak around her and walked to the doors.

At the stables, Erelos brushed and cleaned the horses, then proceeded to feed them. A familiar smiling face approached her. "I see father gave you a fair task." Errlos groaned. "Fair? Ha! I did nothing that would cause for me to have to do this. He doesn't treat you like this." Legolas leaned against the doorframe. "He is not as strict with me no, but I, unlike you, listen to him." Erelos poured the feed into the troughs. She looked at Legolas standing there, smiling. He was perfect in every way. Her heart would skip a beat when he came near. "I'm sorry I struck you." Erelos gently touched his cheek. He laughed. "I've had worse." He turned and laughed, leaving her in the stable.

As instructed, Erelos came back to the castle after she had finished the stables.  Thranduil was in his study, writing notes to fellow VIEs. (Very Important Elves. lol) She casually walked in and sat upon a chair, kicking off her boots. Thranduil raised his eyebrow, but didn't speak. Erelos was starting to get annoyed about being ignored. She coughed loudly, and Thranduil had to refrain from laughing. Finally she gave up. "I'm here now, I finished the stables." Thranduil mumbled and nodded. Erelos came and sat on the edge of his desk. "You told me to come here after. So.." She put her arms out. "Here I am." Thranduil put up his index finger while finishing a sentence on his letter. She put her fist on the table, shaking the bottle of ink. She got up and paced the room. "Calm yourself, everything revolves around the sun, not you, Erelos." She shot him an angry glare, but continued to steam. Thranduil got up from his desk and swiftly came over to her. "I called you to speak about just this. I understand you need to be around someone who pays you attention, but the way you treat others is absurd." Erelos hadn't always been so attention seeking, but given her past, she had a reason. Her family, the Clearrains were a well off family in Rivendell. She had no siblings, but a mother and father; Gail and Befery. They were greedy and wanted more wealth, so they moved to Mirkwood. They neglected their duties as parents, and left to find other options. They never returned, though some say they still see them from time to time. Erelos was left under the care of a fellow elf who wasn't very good with children. Thranduil's wife heard of this and insisted that they took her in. Erelos stayed at the castle, and was treated as a student under Thranduil's teachings. Sadly Erelos strayed and took to stealing and being violent emotionally and physically. 

Thranduil snapped out of his daze and looked her in the eye. "Let's sit and perhaps calm your nerves."     

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