Anything For You

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My body ached making any movement painful. Walking to the bathroom , I ran water in the basin splashing my face with cold water providing me momentary relief. Discarding my clothes I changed into a pair of sweat pants ,deciding to sleep shirtless as I am feverish and am feeling too hot. Pun not intended.

Paul returned back with chicken soup and medicines for me to consume. The soup was bland for my taste and I whined missing my mother's cooking. I loathe falling sick especially when my mum is not around to take care of me. After gulping down the medicine I thanked Paul as I laid down in bed. He is like our father on tour , I wonder what either of us would do without him.

" If you need anything just call me. I hope you feel better by morning." He tells me.

"Thank you Paul once again."

"Sleep well kiddo."

Dimming the lights of my room he shuts the door softly leaving me alone with droopy eyes. I scroll through twitter for a few minutes before switching off my phone and drifting off to sleep.


I was keenly observing him since morning. He was lagging behind in the technical rehearsals and barely ate food for lunch. By the time he got on stage his struggle became more pronounced. His voice cracked during his solo for the 'Story of my life' but fortunately Harry covered up for him without drawing much attention. During the break he sat in the dressing room with his head between his hands and the boys surrounded him with perturbed expressions on their faces. He seemed like he would pass out any minute. I felt completely useless unable to comfort him during his illness. My eyes were fixated on him and it didn't bother me that I wasn't being discreet enough in staring at him.

Alexis was disgruntled at me as I had messed up two tasks allotted to me and she felt that although I was physically present in front of her my mind was elsewhere. I wish I could exclaim aloud that my thoughts were only on Zayn.

I was eavesdropping on his conversation with the lads when they all agreed that he couldn't perform further tonight. Paul would be escorting him to his room and they were calling for a doctor to check on him. I sighed . My poor baby was a mess.

Wow ! I am turning into a sap now.

His eyes caught mine and I mouthed him a ' You okay ?' and he winked at me giving me a thumbs up. His false assurance made me more anxious and worried about his health.

I saw Zayn digging out the access card to his room from his pocket and handing it to Niall mumbling something about them attending a club launch. Niall slipped the card in the back pocket of his jeans.

" Allana" , Alexis snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"You are awfully distracted today. What's wrong with you ?"

" I -uh- I have a severe head ache." I replied hoping she would buy my alibi.

" Honey , if you are not feeling well you should've told me earlier. You can take off for a day. You have been working hard and I am pleased with your efforts. You don't need to push yourself too much all the time." She scolded me.

"Thanks Alexis I will just pop a pill and I'll be fine." I assured her.

" Once the show wraps you can call it a day . Katherine and the others will handle the work." She told me.

Katherine smiled brightly at me nudging my shoulder. The best part about my internship were the people I was working it. Irrespective of their designations there was a sense of congeniality and warmth shared between everyone. The seniors never imposed themselves . The work atmosphere was more participative than autocratic and I highly appreciated that.

Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang