Meeting - I

952 47 23

Dedicated to wissal_sidi

*** I know I haven't updated in ages because I have been feeling very lazy to write .... so i decided to quit being a lazy ass and wrote this update....It is kinda short but if this chapter gets upto 25 comments it will be a major motivation for me .... I'll upload the next chapter as well....***

Zayn's Pov


"Shit!" I exclaim aloud as the policeman catches my nimble footed subway surfer, ending my game.  I was 50 points away from beating Allana's score on my phone, if I want to stop her from gloating about holding the highest score then I need to try harder. It is adorable when she performs a little booty dance every time she beats me in a game but her tendency to constantly rub it in my face wounds my ego.

" I beat your tiny ass Bambi." She never forgets to take a jab at my butt which I am certain is anything but tiny. If anyone has a contradictory opinion to mine then I disown you.

Our morning today had been utterly blissful, Allana's anxiety had comparatively lessened since our conversation last night and neither of us were in the mood to part away from each other. However a busy day awaited us , reluctantly I had left her to attend my meeting with Modest representatives regarding our fifth album. I would be meeting Kaitlyn for the first time since she tried to pull off that stupid stunt with Cara. Despite the fact that it is supposed to be  a professional meeting , I had an inkling that things were about to get quite personal.

Meanwhile, Louis and Niall were working on a new song called Temporary Fix. It had a catchy tune and a good portion of the lyrics were written by Niall. According to me the lyrics vocalized his sexual frustrations, but I was wise enough to keep my opinion to myself because I didn't fancy a broken jaw.

Harry was missing in action while Liam paced the room furiously mumbling on his cellphone. Stifling a yawn, I type a text to Allana.

** I am getting bored here, can you send me a picture of a fairy-hole **

Grinning mischievously I hit send, lifting my head I see Louis staring at me impassively. I arch my eyebrows at him and he looks away, nodding his head dismissively.


A few seconds pass , my phone vibrates indicating Allana's reply.

** Blunt much pretty boy..... behave yourself...**

I laugh softly , visualizing her flushed expression and crimson red cheeks , the outcome of my naughty message to her. Continuing to tease her I send another text message.

** You were the one blabbering about wands and fairy-hole. I know very well regarding wands, just want to enhance my knowledge about fairy-holes.**

Opening of the door diverts my attention from my cell phone as I gaze at Harry walking in with a smug expression on his face. Liam quickly grabs his arm , pulling him to his side, muttering into his ears. Harry nods his head saying , " She is a smart girl Li , a little impulsive but she is aware of what she has gotten into."

Usage of the words smart and impulsive in the same sentence rings a bell in my mind , unconsciously making me blurt , " Are you'll talking about Allana?"

Harry's reply is interrupted by Louis's gravel tone, "The world doesn't revolve around your girlfriend Malik. Not everything is about her."

His grey irises peer at me for a reaction , as I stand up immediately from my seat knocking the coffee on the table beside me , its contents soaking my white-t shirt.

Liam rushes to my side preventing me from going on a foul mouth- rant on Louis, while Harry smiles at Louis patting his shoulder, " Apparently sometimes the world does revolve around her Boo bear because Liam and me were actually talking about her."

Louis scowls at him returning back to scribbling on his notepad. Liam advises me to change my stained t-shirt , the clock ticking towards the scheduled time for our meeting. I text Katherine from the styling department to bring me a shirt , being too lazy to get back to my suite for changing my clothes.

I click on the tab with Allana's name , her reply raising the hair at the back of my neck.

** Instead of a picture why don't I show you a fairy-hole will definitely help in enhancing the LENGTH, I meant the depth of your knowledge**

Told ya , she never fails to surprise me .

" I hope you manage to stay this confident tonight baby girl." I smirk, locking my phone.

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Next chapter Zayn meets Kaitlyn = Drama

Big Love xo **

Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Where stories live. Discover now