Love=Publicity part one

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Author’s note:

I just wanted to say the entire story is from Zayn’s Pov.So kindly keep that in mind.Lemme know your views on the story. Happy reading guys !!!

I got dressed as per the patent ‘Zayn Malik Style’  black skinny  jeans teamed up with a white t-shirt and my favorite black leather jacket. It was going to be sort of a date night with Perrie. We had not been able to spend  much time together since our schedules ensured  that both of us stayed thousands of miles apart from each other. As long as we loved each other distance shouldn’t matter much. This thought had been the base of our relationship. However lately the burdening schedules and increasingly long time periods apart  seemed to have taken a toll on our relationship but we would work it through like always.

I drove my car to Perrie’s house and was greeted by her at the door. She looked beautiful in her sky blue outfit  which was tightly hugging her hourglass figure.

“You look beautiful babe”, I said hugging her.

“ I know I do. Let’s leave shall we ?”, she said .Perrie can be a little evasive at times.

“Yeah lets go.” We headed towards the car. The drive to Funky Buddha was a short one. The atmosphere in the car with Perrie seemed a little subdued. She barely opened her mouth replying only when I asked her something. Her interest was more fixated on her cell phone.

“Is there any problem babe ?” I asked .

“Nothing.  Just some stuff regarding work.” She smiled.

On arriving at Funky Buddha I could see that the entrance area was covered with paparazzi jumping on top of each other for a picture. Seriously these guys need to take a break. As Perrie got out the car I held her hand and we were about to move when she let out a small scream.

“Perrie are you okay?” I said holding her waist.A tear rolled down her cheek.

“Zayn I think I sprained my foot because of the heels. Got a jerk while getting down from the car. Its hurting” she whimpered.

Women and their high heels.I sighed.“Lets get you back home. We might as well see  a doctor to examine it “. It was a small sprain and maybe I was overreacting but I couldn’t bear to see her suffer the slightest amount of  pain.

“No !” she half yelled. “I wanna go inside please.”

I was a little baffled by her request. “Perrie your foot is hurting. There is no point going inside the club.” I tried to plead my point but she seemed persistent.

“You can carry me in your arms. Please Love.” She looked at me with her puppy dog eyes.

Alright what the hell I could anything for this girl

I lifted her bridal style and started walking.The paps went berserk.

“Zayn!  Perrie ! Look here. What happened to Perrie? Zayn ! Zayn!”

They were having a gala time and I could visualize an  article with the headline lovebirds ‘Perrie and Zayn can’t get enough of each other’.

Sometimes its annoys me to the core. My privacy should not be invaded. But lack of privacy is an the hazard of being famous. My fiancée is hurt and here these photographers are jumping on us like hungry hyenas on fresh meat.

Perrie held onto my neck tightly as I made my way towards the VIP lounge.

I delicately placed her on a sofa situated at a corner of the club.

The music was blasting my ears. I could see  boys and girls dancing their hearts out enjoying the night. The bar seem to be crowded with everyone trying to lay their hands on their favorite drink.

“I will get you something to drink babe. I will be back in a minute.”I kissed her cheek and walked towards the bar.

I wondered if the boys had reached the club. I took Perrie’s favorite drink and headed back to her. Poor gal the sprain must’ve ruined her mood. I needed to do something to make her feel special.

The only problem was Perrie wasn’t seated where I had left her .

P.S. This was the beginning of a long night.

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