Zoe's parents went to her and picked her up carefully, so they won't wake her. Gabriel's mother did the same thing. Zoe was hugging all her Christmas presents. She wore the necklace Gabriel gave, she wore the watch Gabriel's father gave her, she wore the scarf her mother knitted for her, she held in her tiny hands the handkerchief Gabriel's mother knitted for her and she wore the mittens her father bought for her.

Gabriel did the same thing. His Christmas present and Zoe's were almost the same since what their parents bought were pairs. Both for a girl and a boy. They wanted to show their kids how much they want for Zoe and Gabriel to be together. But Zoe's gift is different. She gave Gabriel a silver chain-like bracelet.

When Gabriel's parents carried him, he noticed the warmth of his side and back slowly disappearing, so he woke up. When he woke up he saw Zoe's cute sleeping face. She asked her mom to go near to Zoe so his mother did so. When she did, Gabriel kissed Zoe on the cheek which ultimately surprised both his parents and Zoe's.

"Goodnight, best friend. Have a sweet dreams." he said and fell asleep on his mother's arm.

"Goodnight, Mae." said Gabriel's mother to Zoe's mother and left together with Gabriel in her arms and her husband following.

Zoe's mother carried Zoe with just one hand and used the other to wave goodbye while slowly whispering goodnight to Gabriel's mother so that she wouldn't wake Zoe up.

She carried Zoe all the way to her bedroom and placed her slowly on her clear white bed sheet and covered her with a soft pink colored blanket. Her parents left her in her room afterwards.

Hours later and Zoe was woken up by the cold breezy night. When she sat up, she shivered because of the wierd feeling along with the cold air. For some reason, she felt scared. Her heart beat fast and she felt uncomfortable.

Zoe started to feel scared so she went to her parent's room. Before she could arrive there, she saw her parents running towards her. Her parents were looking for her. Zoe felt happy to see her parents but her parents felt danger. When they finally reached Zoe, they gripped on her wrist and ran.

They hid her in a closet. They took a gun and used it for scaring. Well, they definitely knows how to use a gun but they didn't plan to use it in front of Zoe.

They left Zoe in the closet inside her room and her father left, leaving her mom in the same room to guard Zoe. Zoe started to feel scared. 30 minutes have passed and her father still hasn't returned. Zoe kept looking through the door, her and her mother kept waiting for her father's return. Hours and hours of waiting and her father still hasn't returned.

It's already 4 and her father still hasn't returned. She kept waiting but eventually fell asleep. While she was a sleep she heard a sound. She woke up. She wondered what it was so she spoke again. There, she aw her mother's life being sucked out. The guys who killed her father was biting her mother's neck, and her mother's hair slowly turned clear white.

Zoe was scared. 'What's going on?! Where's father?" she asked to herself. She looked everywhere and saw her father's lifeless body lying on the floor with a full white hair.

She felt very frightened. "Mom? Dad?" she kept saying slowly. She was very scared that her eyes was overflowing with tears. The people who killed her parents heeard her speak. They were going to the closet where Zoe was hidden, but luckily for Zoe the sun came up.

"Hey guys let's go home. The boss might get mad." the guy in red jacket with hood said.

"Yeah lets go. Besides the person whose hiding there can't do anything about us." the guy in black wearing a black cap said, agreeing to the red.

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