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This was it. This is the end of a huge era of our lives, and it's incredible that we've made it this far. Everyone was here at our ceremony (except my and Zayn's homophobic family), and it's so great to see everyone together.

Our ceremony was your typical, super dragged out celebration. But in time, it was my turn to say my graduation speech.

"And we have a speech from one of our best students, Marcel Styles." Our teacher said.

Applause rose as I walked to the podium.

"Ah hem." I began. "All of us, the class of 2015, have made it so far. We've all been through so many things, from great to worst, and I can speak for myself when I say that these last few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster. We have learned so much, most of which we'll end up forgetting, but that's alright. We didn't need to know why the Oregon Trail began anyways." A subtle laugh swarmed the crowd. "I'll try to hurry this up. So, basically, we are finally making our way into the real world. Not the 'real' world, but the real world. Every choice we make is own now, and who knows how any of us are going to end up in a few years. So, here's to the future."

A great applause was given to me and I smiled in return. All my friends, and my boyfriend, gave me the happiest and proudest faces.

"I love you," Zayn mouthed.

I did the same and the ceremony proceeded.

After some more words, we had our diplomas and our teacher said, "Congratulations class of 2015!"

Our white graduation caps soared through the air like a tsunami.

After swimming through the sea of white gowned graduates, I found my gorgeous boyfriend, Zayn Malik.
He grabbed my face and said something to me before we kissed.

"Here's to our future."

and thats it! i have a final chapter/epilogue as well, but thank you for reading this story! i love you all!

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