Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to @Zaymlove and @soccergirl4ever70 for all of the votes (I think you are the only two who are reading this story so you get a chapter deadicated to you!!!!!

Harry POV

The girls and I played dolls for a little while. It was basic little girl doll conversation "wanna go to the ball?" "let's go" and of course I was the prince. I took them both to the ball and then they got in a fight over whom got to marry me.

"but Phoebe I want to marry prince harry" daisy whined "no Daisy when we played with loubear you got to marry him" Phoebe defended. At that moment Louis appeared in the doorway.

"Sorry girls your out of luck" he paused and smirked "Prince harry only marries other princes". Well that hurt.

"But that doesn't matter silly loubear we're playing dolls" his jaw dropped and it's my turn to smirk.

'Loubear you play so I can marry harry and Phoebe can marry you'' she got up and tugged on his arm with pleading eyes and a pouty lip.

"Actually I need to start dinner for you two maybe we can play after" I said really not wanting to play dolls with Louis Tomlinson.

"Oh okay can we watch the telly?" Daisy asked

"sure'' I smiled widely happy that they can occupy them selves as I make diner I wandered into the kitchen. They have all the ingredients to make my famous tacos, perfect!

"DINNERS READY'' I yell to the girls. They skip in followed by Louis.

"so what did you make Harold" Louis asked placing his hand on my shoulder. I tensed up and he immediately retreated his hand.

"there's a huge bruise there" I say which is basically drawing a big red target on my shoulder. He raises his hand again. At first I think he's gonna hit me again but he lifts my sleeve. I didn't put makeup on that bruise, I didn't think anyone was gonna see it. He traces his and over it and slightly gasps, the gasp is barely audible. He pulls back down my sleeve and walks off.

"these are the best tacos ever!" Phoebe yells. Phoebe and Daisy already are half done their taco's."taco's are my favorite food I love making them" I said making small talk as I was grabbing one for myself.

"pass me one please" Louis asked "queer" he whispered at the end. I whipped around and walked right passed him without getting him a taco not looking at him. The rest of the dinner consisted of daisy and Phoebe talking about their day and we commenting on it. Louis kept glancing my way but I'm not looking in his eyes. His insults always hurt more than the other assholes do. If I look at him I might cry. We all finished eating and it was 7:50 PM.

"Girls it's time to get ready for bed" They pout but hurry upstairs. I helped them into their nightgowns and they brush their teeth. Right before I shut the light off Louis comes in and kisses there heads. I shut the light and we awkwardly walk downstairs together. He goes into the living room so I turn into the kitchen. I go into the bag I packed and take out the headphones and my laptop. I open my Netflix and click on some random comedy. It's freaking funny. Slowly my eyes get heavier and heavier before I put my head down and drift off to sleep but not before putting my laptop on the table near me.


I jolt awake. Damn there is a thunderstorm. I hear a slight whimpering upstairs, I guess one of the twins is scared of thunderstorms. I quietly walk upstairs and into their bedroom to try and calm them. They are both sleeping silently but I still hear whimpering. Oh my god its Louis it HAS to be! Should I go in? I don't really want to. I find myself walking in there anyway. There is a mess everywhere and it kind of smells. The walls are covered in Screamo band posters. Louis is curled up in a ball crying on the bed. I walk over and sit on the bed.

"Louis are you ok?" I sooth. He just cries louder at my presents. I go to get up but he grabs my hand.

"Don't leave me. Please stay with me tonight" he whimpers brokenly. I've never seen him so vulnerable. He kind of looks adorable. I sit back on the bed and he throws himself in my arms. I rub his back and coo in his ear. I lay down and he cuddles up. I never realized how tiny he is. I trace his tattoos with my finger and I cover his shaking body with a cover. I stare at his tear stained face and he looks up at me. His face is really beautiful now that I'm looking at it.

"Louis why are you so scared of thunderstorms" I ask.

"It's s-stupid" he said "I promise I won't  laugh at you i assured "M-My dad left d-d-during a th-th-thunderstorm" He cried. I just held him tighter and kissed his head. Slowly we drifted off to sleep.

Like two people are reading this sorry this makes me happy because I didn't think anyone would bother to go from Olivia's acc and coming over to mine and reading it over here
Hope you enjoy this chapter it's pretty short so sorry.

~all the fucking love Eve

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