"As if. Ok then you don't say anything to Crabbe, Goyle or Parkinson." Draco said.



Once Draco took down the tent and sent it to the Manor Hermione and Draco said there goodbyes and headed off. Draco was unsure how he'd manage to get home but the light appeared and he stepped into it, which transported him to the manor.

Hermione sprinted back to the burrow as fast as her feet would take her. As soon as she saw the tall house she felt relieved. Then Ron stepped out of the door. "Hermione. Hermione." he said running towards her.

Suddenly Hermione stopped in her tracks. The dream she thought. Ron kept running and soon followed by Harry and also Ginny. Hermione felt weird and couldn't move. Maybe her best friends never understood her for a reason. Ron was the first to reach Hermione and hugged her, Harry soon followed and lastly Ginny hugged her. "Hermione whats wrong?" Harry asked.

"Nothing. I'm absolutely fine." Hermione snapped and stalked off to the burrow, leaving the two shocked Weasley's and Harry.

"What's got Hermione's wand in a not?" Ron asked.

Ron had never seen Hermione like this and wanted to find a way to help. "Do you want me to talk to her?" Ron asked. "Absolutely not. Ron I'll talk to her and if she snaps at me then somethings definately wrong."


"Hermione. Ohh Dearie I'm so glad your here. If there's anything at all I can help I'll do my best. Just sit down and I'll make you some breakfeast ok?"

Hermione hugged Mrs Weasley and sat down. All the thoughts from her dream, to Draco and finally to her heart. Eventually Harry, Ginny and Ron appeared looking very hurt. Hermione sat there thinking she had already messed things up.


Narcissa Malfoy got the earliest boat trip the next day. The night before she hadn't slept one bit, her eyes were swollen, her hair was in a mess and she looked like a zombie. "Anyone aboarding the boat to azkaban please get to the port now. "

Several pops sounded in the shack. Narcissa stood with the other men and women visiting the prision. A older women appeared next to Narcissa. "Oh are you a Malfoy? Well your family by far is the most terrible of the pure bloods and I believe you have a son that is now-"

"Shut it, right now. You know nothing about my family so keep you thoughts to yourself." Narcissa snapped.

All the passengers aboarded the boat and it travelled to the North Sea. The trip took about a whole hour and by this time everyone aboard was either sea sick or exhausted. The island was misty and cold because of the dementors guarding the grounds. Azkaban was a prision that had extrememly high walls that created a triangle if you looked at it from above.

Narcissa hated azkaban she had been there once before and it was the coldest feeling in her life. She now had to put a brave face on and walk in there to see her husband. All the other men and women backed away but Narcissa strode to get a sercurity check. The man looked at her and made her feel uneasy but she kept a confident face.

After the sercurity check she was ascorted to Lucius' prision cell. They climed many stairs to reach Lucius' cell. There was a metal door that had some symbols and the numbers '537'. The man asked Narcissa something but she didn't reply. The man opened the door and told Lucius he had a visitor.

Narcissa ran into the cell and saw her husband chained up and he looked crazy. "Lucius, I've come to tell you that Draco is in more danger than we thought."

"What do you mean Narcissa? The boy has to learn the Dark Lords ways sooner or later, you want our family to live don't you? Then we have to do this." Lucius snapped.

Azkaban really did make people crazy and it was unlikely you wouldn't end up needing help by the time you got out of there if you ever did.

"I suppose so. But Lucius, Draco's only sixteen. I'm worried about his saftey, he disappeared the other night and the Dark Lord wanted him." Narcissa complained.

"I think it's the best we can do to protect the family, if you figure something better come and tell me. At the moment do not come back." Lucius yelled.

Narcissa hated the way her husband was in prision and now she had to deal with everything by herself. All she could think about was if she is doing the right thing.


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