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"Avallone!" Natasha screamed as we saw each other for the first time in about a month. She was clad in a white t-shirt and tight-fitting black pants. Her red hair was hanging loosely about her shoulders, bouncing with every step she took.
I drank in the detail of her quickly, before running to meet her.
"I missed you so much," I breathed, as we wrapped each other in a right embrace.
"I missed you too," was the almost inaudible reply. I guess she was almost suffocating in my long hair. It had grown to reach the point of my back just before it extends and becomes my butt.
We pulled apart and I ran to greet the others. I received a long hug from Steve first, and then Bruce, then Tony, then Thor and last of all Clint.
But, I stopped short when I realized there was one extra.
"Avvy, meet the newest member of the Avengers. And then there were six!" Tony exclaimed pulling me roughly towards her. I couldn't help but feel sad and disappointed. I thought I was the newest member.
Tony brought me to stand in front of a girl with long dark hair, and a face like stone. Everything screamed that she belonged in the Avengers more than I did.
You belong here much much more than that pathetic mortal.
I glanced towards Loki, and sent him a thankful smile, but his words did not seem to be true.
"Avallone, meet the Scarlet Witch, or Wanda," Clint said, coming up behind me. Surely he must know that I am an Avenger now as well. "It's pretty great that she is the newest member of the team. We could really use someone with her abilities."
I flinched. I'm being pranked. It's the only possible explanation. Nick had clearly stated that he had discussed me joining the team with the Avengers. They have to know. They have to be pranking me.
I pushed down the feeling of hurt and anger, and offered Wanda a welcoming smile.
That's my girl.
"It's going to be nice to have another girl in the tower." I started walking with her towards the cars lined up to take us back. She nodded, but didn't say anything.
"How did they find you?" I questioned, wanting to start a conversation with the silent girl.
Wanda flinched and ran to the car. Okay, I hit a tender spot. My bad.
"She's a touchy one," I commented to Steve, who turned and frowned at me.
"She has reason to be. Don't be so harsh on her," He chided, before walking away from me.
The feelings of hurt returned, and I decided that I needed to cool off, so I told the others that I would be walking home. I received no reaction.
Loki was to caught up in talking to his brother that he didn't even hear me.
It was okay though. I wanted to be alone anyway. The walk to the tower would be a long one, but I didn't mind.


My mind was mostly focusing on what I would be doing with my friends, now that they were back. We could go ice skating at the new rink that I saw had opened someway down the road. We could go paint balling at the paint ball center that was close to the tower. Heck, we could even visit John's restaurant if we wanted to.
Slowly, the feelings of betrayal melted away, and was replaced with an understanding.
Wanda was new, and by the look of things, she needed some attention and some help. I was even prepared to offer whatever I could.

I walked into the bottom floor of the tower, and took a moment to take in the familiar surroundings. The bottom five or six floors were all offices, but the rest, up to the top eighty-eighth floor was filled with entertainment.
With a smile, I walked to the elevator and pushed the button that held my room on. I hadn't seen it in a while, and I wanted a new change of clothes.
I stepped out of the metal contraption and happily glided to my door.
'Sorry Avallone, but we have moved Wanda here so that she can be closer to Natasha. Your room is on the floor below us.'
A note was pasted to my door. It gave me the number and key to my room.
So, I made my way down to the floor below and walked into my new room. It was much smaller. It didn't have it's own kitchen, and the wardrobe wasn't even a walk-in one. But, I did still have a balcony, which I silently was very thankful for.
All my clothes had been moved into my new closet, so I quickly changed into a simple t-shirt and jeans before heading onto my balcony.
It overlooked the park that Loki had centered a few of my dreams around, and the rest of the city. The view was breathtaking and would always be.
I made my way back inside because the cold started to disturb me.
I climbed back into the elevator and made my way to the top floor.
"Welcome back Miss Clancy," Jarvis greeted as soon as I walked into the room. I smiled and thanked him, reminding him yet again that my name was Avallone.
The kitchen and lounge were empty, to my surprise.
"Jarvis," I called out, "where are the others?" I gathered that they must be on another floor, but I wasn't about to go exploring each level to find them. Using Jarvis would be much easier.
"They have gone out to dinner, Miss Avallone," Jarvis said, suddenly not coming from above me anymore. "I am to stay here and watch over you."
I turned to find myself facing a being who held Jarvis' voice.
Screaming, I turned and ran. Glancing over my shoulder, I found that this being was flying to catch up to me. Flying.
Quickly getting into the bathroom, I shut and locked the door.
"Miss Avallone, it is me, Jarvis. Mr Stark had placed me into a physical form so I could combat another creation of his, Ultron." The being explained, his familiar voice sounding from the other side of the door.
Slowly, I unlocked the door and faced the being who claimed to be Jarvis.
"You don't look like how I imagine you would," I stated, still weary of the new Jarvis.
"That would be because this body was not originally for me, but for Ultron," Jar explained, walking back with me towards the kitchen.
I had been so scared of Jarvis that it hadn't registered in my mind that the others were off celebrating without me.
"Is this Ultron still alive?" I asked, already feeling the pit in my stomach because I knew the answer.
"No, I killed him." Jarvis nonchalantly started boiling he jug.
I shuddered. The sweet and innocent AI system had killed someone.
Things were not going my way today.

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