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Okay, so this is for those who didn't read Chapter 17. And if you didn't, I am not judging you, because I would have probably done the same.

Okay, so Maria left them and Natasha got all pissy because Avallone was falling apart and couldn't even speak to Maria. But, Natasha didn't know that Avvy was struggling, so she vented her anger on her, and just up and left the hotel room.
Now alone, Avallone resorts to one of her old friends; cutting.
Then, it switches P.O.V. to Natasha's and she goes into how she doesn't want to be there with Avallone.
Back to Avallone now.
She's just thinking about Paris, and the mission. She was also mad at Natasha, with all the right reasons, right?
Nat comes back, calmed down somewhat, and Avallone makes up this story about being self-centered, and apologizes. They make up, and stop fighting, but then a man walks in with a gun.

So, that's the summary. There was a lot more detail, but you probably understood the gist of it. :)

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