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I spent the next whole week getting back into training every day. I spent hours in the gym in the new S.H.I.E.L.D. base. Maybe, so much that people were starting to worry about me. But, now I could understand how Steve had devoted himself to training back at the tower. It was great, and afterwards, you felt so good about yourself.
I often visited Loki. Okay, more that I would have admitted. I spent every night with him, of course not in that way. We only just discovered the feelings we had for each other, and neither of us wanted to rush anything.
A problem was brought to my attention though. After Loki had confessed his feelings of love to me, he had told me that my life would be but a bat of an eyelash compared to his. This does worry me a lot. What happens when I die? Will he move on? Will he mourn? Will he ever love again? These questions haunted my every move, and stayed with me everywhere I went. Loki had noticed my behavior and tried to call me out on it, but I just clamped my mouth shut.
Eventually, he gave up. But, I knew that he would come back to it soon.
The Avengers are coming home in two days. I am so excited, now that I have my memories back. It seems like forever since I have had everything in my brain. But, in a way, I am kind of glad that the crash had happened. It made me see things differently, especially other people.
James didn't stay long at S.H.I.E.L.D.. He made a run for it as soon as possible, maybe with a little help from a friend. I knew he needed space and time, so I 'accidentally' left my pass card when I visited him.
Eli, on the other hand has been going exceptionally well, physically. Mentally, well, he has been struggling. It turns out the guy was madly in love with me, which I don't even understand. I hadn't known him that well, and I hadn't seen him really in years. But, all things aside, I still cared for him as a friend, and quite often visited him when I could.
I have become fast friends with Maria. She is such a lovely woman, with the best sense of humor I have ever known. Unless she is on an assignment, you can hear her joking and laughing with other agents from a mile away. It's nice to hear.
I have been missing Natasha terribly, and the others - but mostly Nat. I just can't wait till everything is back to normal while we are back at the tower.


"Your thoughts have been quite captivating as you recorded them," Loki commented as I strode into his holding cell.
"You were spying on me? I am very sure that I have told you before that it is incredibly rude." I frowned as I crossed my arms over my chest and sat down on the chair about five meters away from his bed.
"Yes, but I could not resist." His accented voice said, almost drawing me to him with just his voice. But, I managed to refrain myself and continue in my pity party. "Are you just going to sit there and mope, or am I going to have to come over there and pick you up myself?" He winked and sent me a smile.
I shut my eyes and crossed my arms tighter with a huff.
Quietly, he padded over to me, his socked feet barely making a sound as they trekked across the floor. He lifted me up, cuddling me to his chest for a moment before walking over to the bed with me. He gently placed me there, before laying down beside me.
I could hear his breaths, and the quiet tha-thump of his immortal heart.
We were lying side-by-side, both on our backs, staring at the ceiling.
"So, what happens when we go back?" I asked, breaking the silence. The question had plagued me for days, and I needed an answer.
Loki sighed and ran a pale hand through his raven black hair. He didn't answer.
I rolled over and faced him. He did the same, and we looking straight at each other.
"Really Avallone, love, I have no clue. We could just tell them and hope for the best, but you know how they'll react. Even before we 'got together' - are those the right words? - Tony was nagging me, and Natasha was keeping a close eye on the both of us." He said, answering my question somewhat.
I sighed. "Yeah, you're right. But, I'm 26 - no 27, and I can make my own decisions. They just have to suck it up and deal with it."
Loki chuckled and pulled me towards him, and we fell asleep in each others arms.


"Agent Avallone, after much consideration and plenty of talks with the Avengers, I am officially welcome you to the team." Nick stated, before offering his hand.
I gladly took it, and glanced over at Loki, most likely a dorky smile gracing my face.
Very likely.
"Thank you, sir," I said, pumping his hand up and down. Immediately, I frowned. "But, I'm no superhero. I don't have any power or anything that makes me special or different from any other human being. So, why am I being accepting into the team?" I was skeptical, yes, but with good reasons. Only the best of the best made up the team of Avengers, so why accept me?
"Because, Agent Avallone, your training has shown immense skill that is needed for something we have been planning for a while." Nick replied. I frowned. He wasn't going to tell me what he had been planning?
"I don't tell people things, Agent. You should have learnt that by now." He offered me a small smile before leaving the room.
I danced my way over to Loki, singing, "I'm an Avenger. I'm an Avenger. I'm an Aaaaa-venger!"
He chuckled and hugged me tightly. "I am happy for you. Just promise me that you won't get hurt."
"I promise," I said, grinning up at him.
Today has been the best day ever. I was officially an Avenger, and now, the other team members were coming home.

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