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Dedicated to @PurpleMonkeyGreenPig

Loki smirked at me. He knew what I was thinking, he always did. I guess, at first, his invading presence in my mind was a nuisance and I hated it, but now, it kind of comes in handy.
"Happy, you know how I was going to this remote place, well, it turns out that we are going on a road trip together, and we leave in what, an hour, or so," I said, patting his hand as he glanced around the room.
"I'm taking you? Does the Director realize that I was just in a car crash?"
I nodded, but didn't say anything. We all know how crazy Nick can be with his judgements, but he is almost always right.
"What about him?" Happy asked, jabbing his sausage thumb at Loki, who was standing next to me.
I smirked and tilted my head. "Nick is, uh, keeping him here for when his big bro comes back to pick him up."
Loki frowned, and opened his mouth to say some smart reply, but was interrupted by Fury.
"There's been a change of plans. Our remote location is otherwise occupied at the moment, on a surprise visit by - well it doesn't matter who by, so I will be taking Avallone to our back-up plan, the Falcon."
I grinned, "You mean Sam? Yay! I haven't seem him since . . . forever!"
Again, Loki frowned.
"And Happy, you are to go back to Stark Tower and forget this ever happened," Nick said before exiting the room. What a drama queen.
"Ooooookay, that was unexpected," I commented, with a shrug.
Happy nodded with a smile and cradled his head in his hands.
"It hurts."
Almost instantly, a medic team came barreling through the door and swept Happy away.
"So, who is this Sam?" Loki questioned, his pointed eyebrows raised.
With a laugh, I replied, "He's just a friend of Steve's that I met one morning while on my mission. He's a really nice guy, and he kind of understands me, even though he has been through something different."
"I would like to claim that I have been through things similar to you, though you not yet recall your past, I do remember what you have told me about it."
I felt my face light up, and I sidled up to him a little closer. Okay yeah, maybe this is a form of bribery, but I just really wanted to remember things.
"That won't work on me," he said, with a smirk.
I frowned and sat down on the floor by his feet, pouting.
"And neither will that."
I looked up at him, doing my best puppy dog eyes, and he flinched before breaking eye contact.
"Your mortal ways have no affect on me," he growled as he started pacing the room.
"Why are you pacing?"
He stopped and turned to me. His blue-green eyes glistened with unshed tears. He was about to cry.
"Because you are a mortal, and I have yet to live out my full life, which could take a thousand years. Do you not see the problem?"
I frowned and thought for a moment. He's immortal, but I'm mortal so that means that when I'm dead, he will be alive for many years afterwards.
"Yeah. Is there any way that this . . . can be fixed?" I questioned, now worried. I guess I do kind of like Loki, which had surprised me out of nowhere. The feelings are much more than just from a moments notice, they are grounded by something.
He shook his head and continued pacing.
"There is no way that we can improve your mortal state without making very demanding sacrifices."
I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by my old friend Sam walking into the room.
"Sam!" I shouted, enveloping him in a friendly hug, though Loki did frown when I hugged him.
"Avvy, it's great to see you! How have you been?" He said wholeheartedly, returning my hug with similar friendliness.
"Up and down, I guess," I said with a slight chuckle. "I was just in a car crash and visited by Harrison, and Bucky left . . . Okay, mostly down. What about you?"
He smiled and took a seat. "I've been pretty all right, just a little bored. Being back out on the field was great, and I want to do it again. I guess I'm just getting bored of my job."
I nodded and offered him a quick smile.
'You forget about me.'
I flinched and glanced at Loki. He was right, I was forgetting about him. I guess he was an up.
"Uh, Sam, this is, uh, Loki," I introduced, pulling said person over to him.
Sam smiled, stood and offered his hand. "Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."
Loki frowned and turned to me with a questioning glance. I shrugged and sent a small smile his way.
"Agent Avallone, pack your things, we're leaving," Nick said as he waltzed through the door. I nodded and hugged Loki before following him and Sam out of the door. Happy was nowhere in sight, so I didn't even get to say my goodbyes.


"I'll see you when I see you, Agent," Nick said as a farewell as we stood at Sam's door
I nodded and offered my hand, which he took.
As he walked away, he turned his head and called out over his shoulder, "Oh, and I hope that when you are back, that you will be back to normal."
His words didn't hurt, because I know that they weren't supposed to. He meant that I was hopefully going to remember everything by the time I get back.
Maybe that's why he made me stay with Sam . . .

Loki's P.O.V.
She's gone, and I'm locked in a cell, just like when I was back in that wretched place I used to call home.
But, all of this, is worth it for her. I would suffer anything for her.
Oh, how I used to mock and scorn Thor, that mindless oaf, for falling for a puny mortal, and now, I have done the same thing.
We both know that these mortal woman will die, and we will be left to wallow in their dust, but I will find a way to make her mine, forever.
And, sadly, I will need Brother's useless help for this.

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