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"Your business has definitely caught my eye these past few weeks, and when you offered to work together on some sales, I knew that I had to jump at the opportunity." Harrison started, opening up the briefcase that he had with him.
My hand instinctively hovered above the couch where a knife lay secreted beneath the pillows. Also, a gun was strapped to my waist. If he tried any tricks on me, BAM he's dead.
He pulled out some papers and I immediately relaxed. "Here, look through these. I had some ideas on what we could do." He handed me the stack of papers and leaned back into the couch.
I shuffled slowly through the stack, separating into three piles. The 'Yes pile, the 'No' pile and the 'Eh, I'm not sure about this' pile. The most came under the latter category, with the least being in the no pile; things were looking good.
After finishing, I handed him back the no pile and shifted through the maybe pile again, being very selective. When that was finished, I gave him both back and told him which pile was the ones that I liked.
"Very good choices. I see you have an eye for this stuff." He complimented me, scanning the pile quickly before setting it down on the table. The other papers he had returned to his briefcase.
"Thank you, Mr Johns." I said, smiling at him graciously, but not too warmly. He returned it. "Please, just Harrison. Mr Johns was my father." He pulled one of the oldest sayings out of the book and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes.

For the next hour or so, we talked strictly business. We discussed the funds for the new project, and what point in time we would be selling them, but soon my head started to hurt, and I called our maid Maria to bring in some drinks.
"So, tell me about yourself, Avallone. If you don't mind me calling you that." Harrison said, settling back into the couch as he was handed a drink. I raised an eyebrow. I didn't expect this.
I chuckled slightly. "What is there to tell? I grew up as an only child," lie, "in a small town near New York," lie. "My father was an engineer," another lie, "and my mother was just a mother." Truth. "I went to a private school," false, "and received a very good education, and then moved on to university." Half truth. "I studied business and then started one up." Half truth, again. "Now, here I am. What about you, Harrison?" I asked. Calling him by his first name didn't seem right though.
"Oh, quite similar actually. Except, I grew up in London, not America." He stated, smirking slightly. I feigned an amused smile and took a small sip of the water that was in my hands.
Harrison cleared his throat. "Your necklace, it's quite beautiful. Where did you get it?" My hand flew to the amulet that decorated my neck. The amulet that the mysterious woman had given me. "My grandmother. It was hers before she passed away. She left me it, and some other things, in her will." I let a forced tear slide down my cheek. Harrison gasped slightly, and quickly came over to the couch I was sitting on, and wrapped and arm around my shoulders.
"I am sorry. I did not mean to make you cry. A beautiful woman like you should not be crying." His first two sentences made me smile inwardly, but the other made me shudder.
I wiped the tear away. "Oh, it's alright. I suppose I am being foolish anyway." His face hardened slightly. "No, you aren't. You have all the right to shed a few tears over a dead loved one, even more that I brought it up so heartlessly."
Smiling at him, I tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. His arm was still wrapped around me, and it felt almost awkward. I have only known this guy for an hour, and all we have talked about it business.
"You are beautiful, Avallone." He whispered, suddenly coming closer. He was sitting over the knife, making it unattainable in case he went to far. I tried to move back, but his arm only tightened around me. "Please, don't go."
Where is Natasha when you need her?

Natasha's P.O.V.
As we flew over the Indian ocean towards the ship, I watched the screen in front of me, and listened to the voice that said, "Target is a mobile satellite launch platform le marian story (unsure about that bit, I'm using a You Tube clip for this, and the guy was talking fast. If you know what he said, please, do tell. Thanks) sending off their last payload when pirates took them, ninety-three minutes ago."
Steve looked at me, then glanced back at the man in front of the screen. Right now, names were not important. "How many pirates?" He asked,his expression blank, and his voice almost emotionless.
The computer beeped and he replied, "Twenty-five. Top marks led by this guy." He pulled a file onto the screen. "George Batroc. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties."
"Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc, Nat you kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow you sweep after (unsure) find the hostages, get them in the life pods, get them out. Let's move." Steve said, taking charge immediately. No one argued, and soon he dropped out of the plane and the mission had started.
After he had jumped, I grabbed a parachute and chucked it on, as did Rumlow as did some other agents. As I landed, I carried on the conversation that I had with Steve before he jumped.
Suggesting the nurse that lived across the hall from him seemed like a good idea. He brushed it off with a, "Secure the engine room, then find me a date."
"I'm multitasking." I replied, before jumping over a railing. As I made my way to the engine room, I heard Steve talking through the little earpiece that sat in my ear. But, I was sneaking up on a guy, so I couldn't reply.
As I jumped on the guy from my behind I yelled, "Hang on." I rolled to the floor, and attacked the two guys that came towards me. "Engine room secure." I replied to Steve.

Avallone's P.O.V.
"Harrison, please, let go of me." I said, starting to get desperate. "Oh I - um, I'm sorry." He blushed, backing away and shifting to the other side of the couch.
"It's alright, I would just like to keep it strictly business." I quietly said, taking my drink to dispel the awkwardness. "Your right. I have probably overstepped my mark. I should go now, and once again, I am sorry." He said, standing up and grabbing his briefcase.
I nodded and rose as well, offering my hand. He took is hesitantly and pumped it up and down. "Thank you for being so forgiving. I hope that we could be on good terms again, even after what happened."
There was no reply was we left the room and walked to the entrance of the mansion. Ronald was waiting in the main hall, his wide smile fooling Harrison, but not me.
He shook hands with Ronald, before leaving. "I take it something went wrong?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Oh, you would know. I bet you were watching in that little room behind the bookshelf." I barked back, jokingly.
"You right." He said, grinning. I shook my head, and walked towards the stairs. "I am going to go have a lie down. My head is hurting, and I need to think about some things."
"Alright. See you at dinner then." He nodded, before walking into the library.

So, I haven't watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier in a while, and I can not find it online, so there will not be many scenes from there. And, the ones that will be from there, will be taken off You Tube, so bear with me, they could be very wrong.
I hope you are enjoying the story so far.

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