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The woman reached out for my hand, whispering, "Avallone." The whole room was silent, and I stared at her hand, fear engulfing me. Do I trust someone who looks like a murderer?
"Trust her," the doctor instructed. Slowly, I took her hand and let her pull me up from the chair. It was dark outside, and down the street there was a single lamp on. It was a perfect scene for a horror movie.
As soon as she let go of my hand, I bolted for the door. Wrenching it open, I sped down the hallways. I was surpised that I could fly down the sterile walkways so fast, considering how physically weak I was.
They called after me as I went, or at least I assumed that. The only thing they called was the name, 'Avallone', which by now, I had guessed it was my name.
But, I didn't stop, instead, it seemed to make me go faster. I burst through the hospital doors, not slowing down. The carpark raced by, and soon I was running down the street.
In the distance, I could hear a motorbike, but it didn't matter. I swear I could outrun it. But, when it started to come closer, I started to worry. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that it was only metres away from me.
I turned down a side street, but the motorbiker followed me. Suddenly, arms wrapped around my waist, and I was hoisted onto the bike in front of the biker.
I flipped, turned around and slapped the blonde man who was driving. He stopped the bike and I bolted again. But, he caught up to me, and held my hands behind my back.
His breath was jot on the back of my neck, and I fought and screamed. "Calm down Avallone," He breathed, wrapping his arms around me, and drawing circles on my shoulder.
There it was again. The name 'Avallone'. How did this man know me? The red head, two security guards and the doctor now appeared on the scene, and miss Romanoff yelled, "Steve, oh thank God!" when she approached us.
The man, who must have been Steve, slowly released me from his backwards hug, and stepped away. Now, I could actually look at him. He was very attractive. His dirty blonde hair was swept to the side, and his pink lips were slightly parted. He was blushing quite visibly, making his crystal blue eyes strikingly stand out.
"What happened? I was getting dinner, and saw Avvy running along." He asked, obviosuly confused. "I knew she was back in New York, hospitlized after the plane crash, but I didn't know they had let her out yet."
The woman looked down. "They hadn't." Steve turned to me, his blue eyes condenscending. "Avallone, you need to go back to the hospital. You could seriously hurt your-"
"Shut up. Shut the fuck up! I don't know who you are. I don't know who any of you are. Just leave me alone!" I screamed, taking a few steps back. The blonde looked so shocked and scared.
He turned to the doctor with the same look that miss Romanoff wore. "What?" She demanded. The doctor sighed and suggested that we go back to the hospital, since it was getting chilly.
I agreed begrudginly, and shrieked when Steve picked me up, and told me that he was going to carry me back, even if I fought him the whole way, which I did.
"Put me down, you cunt!" I screamed, slapping him across the face. Behind me, the doctor chuckled slightly, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw miss Romanoff hide a smile.
But this Steve guy had no reaction. I quietened down. "You know what cunt means, right?" I asked him, quietly. He was a bit taken aback by my suddeny change in tone.
Slowly, his blue eyes met my own. "No, I don't." His quietness matched my own, and I felt a surge of sympathy. There was hurt in his eyes. An image flashed before my mind. It was almost too quick for me to take in, but I caught a glimpse of a tall man, with long dark hair.
"I don't think you'll want to anyway." I murmered, suddenly feeling tired. It was like the whole world decided to crash on me. I lay my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes.
His breath was warm, and smelled like mint. Slowly, with the jolting of his gait, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I could hear soft voices conversing near me. ". . . amnesia. She is lucky she woke up with nothing worse." The voices stopped, and footsteps started.
I opened my eyes and found miss Romanoff and Steve standing over me, with three new companions. "Avallone, meet Clint," She pointed to the man who had his arm wrapped around her waist. "This is Bruce," she motioned to a man who was slightyl hiding his face from me. "And last of all, this is -"
The arrogant son of a bastard cut her off. " - Tony, you're favourite person in this whole damn world." I snickered bitterly. "Bullshit. People hate me." Things had started to come back to me in my dreams.
I remember my high school days, where I was bullied, hated and lied to. The nights I spent cutting myself and planning my suicide. "The world will never change, they'll always hate me, no matter what I do, no matter what I say, no matter what I become."
"No one hates you, Avallone," Miss Romanoff chided, taking my hand in hers. I jerked back, unsure about the touchiness. I didn't like it. "She'll be like that for a few days until we get her back on her medication." The doctor said.
"Medication?" I breathed, now perfectly calm. What was happening to me? I couldn't control my emotions. The world turned and my head dropped into my hands.
"I don't need any fuckin' medication. I'm perfectly fine." I muttered, becoming increasingly angry again. "Calm down, Avvy," Steve said, carefully grabbing my arm.
"So wake me up when it's all over when I'm wiser and I'm older." Filtered into the rom over the radio, and I closed my eyes. I didn't want to wake up.


The song for the chapter is Wake Me Up by Avicii.
(This song will also be used for another chapter, hopefully.)

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