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Bruce raised and eyebrow, and I calmed myself. "Yeah, he's going back to Asgard to hear what Odin, I think that's his name, will do to him." I nodded and stayed quiet. My mind was running like a cheetah, but like eleven times faster.

Trial? Yes, he did try and take over earth, but I thought he was already punished. Why did he have to go back for a trial? Couldn't someone just say that he was free to go?

Wow. His trial has so messed up my mind that I can't think straight. Great, that's helpful. "Hey, can you get Steve for me?" I asked, breaking the two-minute long silence.

He nodded and tapped his ear. "Steve, can you come to the lounge please, it's urgent." Then, he turned to me and said, "He's coming, but be warned, he hasn't been himself since you left."

I heard a door open and close, and I gathered that Steve had walked in. "What is so urgent, Dr Banner?" Steve's polite voice asked. I couldn't quite see him, but I could imagine what he looked like.

A white singlet with some brown shorts. He would be covered in a thin sheet of sweat, and a determined look on his face, yet filled with a hint of sadness. A towel would be draped over his shoulder, and he would be holding his favourite drink bottle in his hand.

Bruce motioned towards the screen, where I was, and stepped back, making room for Rogers. Steve came into my view, and almost jumped. I guess he wasn't quite used to all the new technology yet. Oops.

"Hey Steve." I greeted quietly. He smiled nervously and glanced towards Banner. I couldn't see Bruce, but I could guess what he was doing. Motioning to the seat and practically telling him to sit down and talk to me.

"Sit your ass on the seat Rogers." Tony called from somewhere in the background. I giggled. Steve awkwardly obeyed Stark and turned to me. He was blushing, and I couldn't help but giggle again.

"Clear the room boys." I said to Tony and Bruce. I wanted a private conversation with Captain. "Oh, that won't be-" Said person didn't finish because he was interrupted by a door slamming. The room was empty of persons now, except him.

"How's life for ya?" I asked him, picking at my finger nails. His face dropped, making my heart drop with it. I felt sorry for the poor guy. I mean, he liked me and all, but I didn't feel that way about him, I wanted to, I really wanted to, but I was stupid enough to fall for the god of mischief. Good job me.

"I can't lie to you Avallone, it's been horrible. I miss you and Natasha a lot." He said, looking even sadder. I kind of regret my question now. "Steve, I'm sorry." I said, not really being able to say anything else. What do you say in this situation? 'That's sweet and all, but I don't feel that way about you, I only miss Loki.' Yeah like that would be great to say to him.

He shook his head and looked down. "I should go, Thor's waiting for you." He stood up, and I called after him. "Steve, wait no -" But, he kept walking. Damn what did I just do?

Thor plonked down his royal ass upon the seat and smiled at me. "Hey Thor." I said graciously, even though I would rather talk to his brother or Steve.

"I know that you desire to speak with Steve, but he does not wish to speak with you. I apologize on his behalf, Lady Avallone." Thor said, in his general polite yet irritating way.

I nodded my head. "How's Jane?" For like the first time in forever, I saw Thor visibly blush. That was kind of cute. "She is well. I visited her yesterday. She will be visiting the tower next week. Do you desire to speak to her then?" I nodded eagerly. I would so like to talk to Jane again. Even though I got along better with Darcy, I would still like to talk to Jane.

"Darcy will be coming too." Thor added, mischievously. I laughed, liking this side of him. He knows how much Darcy and I like each other. We are pretty alike, which is great.

I felt my smile grow wider, and I did nothing to hide it. "The archer man would like to speak with you now, Lady Avallone." I nodded, now suddenly wishing that I could talk to Thor for longer. I hope it wasn't going to be like this for the whole time I'm away.

"Avvy. Good to see you again." Clint said, smiling at me. Natasha and I were like the only ones to ever receive one of his smiles. It makes me feel very special.

"And to you, Clint. How's life?" I asked, silently dreading the question. It didn't seem to go quite well with the others, who said that Legolas was any different?

"I'm fine, just missing you and Nat a lot. But training takes a lot of that away, and I have a few small missions of my own coming up, so I'm excited for that." He replied, smiling again.

I couldn't help but return the gesture. "It's good to see you smiling like that. All the others have been so bummed, and it's been getting me down." I said.

"Yeah, but you haven't even talked to the one who was taken it worst. None of the others have noticed, maybe except Thor, but he's taking it really bad. Even worse than the Captain." He said, talking about the person I wanted to talk to most. Shit.

"Would you?" I asked, not really wanting to finish the sentence. No one really knew how I felt about Loki, and I wanted to keep it that way. Clint nodded, and stood up.

A few minutes later he came back shaking his head. "He doesn't walk to talk today. He said 'I don't want to talk to her.' And that's a direct quote. What a dick! Do you agree?" He asked, jokingly as he sat back down,

I laughed and nodded, even though it kind of hurt. Yeah, he might seem like a dick to everyone else, but I still loved him. Which was stupid of me, but I can't tell my heart not to. Damn.

"Look, Avallone, I have to go. Nick just walked in, and you probably don't want to talk to him." Clint said quickly, glancing to his left. I nodded as I heard Fury yell, "Wait! I want to-"

I didn't hear the rest because I exited the Skype, and Clint probably had closed it too. Great minds think alike. I leaned back into cream coloured couch. Bringing a blue pillow up to my chest, I hugged it.

The Skype call made me realise that I miss everyone back at the tower. And the person I missed the most didn't even want to talk to me. I know that he didn't really care for me, and it made it hurt even more.

I sighed. This kind of sucked. Standing up, I made another small resolution. I would only Skype call next week, when Jane and Darcy would be over. Otherwise, I wouldn't Skype call. Only once a week, and I've already used this week's call.


I told you once, "Get out my life.

I don't need ya, I'll be alright."

But some things are better left unsaid.

So tell the truth and hit me hard

A broken heart is all I have now

But some things are better left unsaid

I started singing, as I idly wandered to my balcony. My hands rested on the white railing, and I looked out over the green grass. I must have been in the Skype call for a while, because the sun was starting to set, and my stomach was rumbling.

Pink, orange and purple coloured the sky. The white fluffy clouds were few, but enough to be seen. It was like a pretty picture that can only be perfectly captured by the eyes. No painting or photo could capture the beauty of a sunset, or a sunrise, for that matter.

I sighed, and laid my head on my hands


Song for this chapter: Better Left Unsaid by Ariana Grande.

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