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Loki's green eyes widened with surprise. "I knew that you had her necklace, but you had contact with her? Yes, you must have, otherwise it would be impossible for you to have possession of that necklace. Unless . . . my oaf of a brother don't give that to you did he?"
I shook my head no.
My response sent him to pacing about my room, his hand resting on his chin and his eyes flashing with a look of murder.
Too bad it was nothing more than I expected from him. Honestly, he does look like a murderer, and I know for sure that he is one.
"Do not brand me so, it's not very nice of you, dear." He said, stopping his pacing to smirk at me.
"Anyway, you must have contact with Mother sometime then, right? Yes? Okay. So we know that for sure. Maybe you had contact with her before you . . ."
He stopped his rambling to state at me, like full on freaky stare.
"Yes?" I questioned, not overly comfortable with his piercing green-eyes-that-sometimes-looked-blue.
But he didn't respond to me. Instead he sort of zoned out, I guess. Well, he was string at me, but he had that 'far away' look in his eyes.
What was he thinking of?
Maybe this telepathic 'connection' goes both ways.
I scrunched up my nose and furrowed my brow. My eyes clamped shut and I dove into the back of my mind.
I must have looked like an idiot like that because Loki started laughing. Not a 'I'm crazy' laugh but more of a 'hehe' laugh.
Opening one eye subtly, I found that he was hunched over, gripping his sides. He was choking on his laughter.
"What?" I demanded
He was breathing in short gasps, and I swear he was going to pass out any moment, but he didn't. Pity.
"Your . . . face." He managed to squeeze out before bursting into more laughter.
My anger flared, unrighteous as it was, but there nonetheless and I stood.
In one quick, decisive motion, I flipped him into the floor and kept him there with my leg.
Such a ninja.
"You're not a ninja, my dear." He teased, delving into my thoughts.
God of mischief about sums up his whole personality.


Loki's P.O.V.

"Sorry for the outburst, dear, I just saw you like that an couldn't help myself. You looked . . . " adorable "funny, shall we say?" I said as she removed her foot from the center of my chest and stalking over to the couch.
She really was adorable when she was mad.
"I was just trying to see if I could read your mind. If we have this 'connection? I thought it could be a two-way one. It works like that, right?" Avallone asked, her nose scrunching involuntarily.
I kept my laughter in check with a smile as I said, "Sorry, dear, it doesn't. I'm not sure how it works, but I know that you can't read my thoughts."
It's probably a good thing too. If she knew how I felt about her, she wouldn't treat me the same.
I needed everything I could get right now.
The thought of telling her about what happened before my trial with Mother, but I refrained. She wouldn't be able to handle it, I think.
Even now, she is caving under the stress of this emotional trauma of not feeling like belonging. And it is to emotional exhausting. I would know, of all people.
An outsider in the place that I had been taught to call my home.
What really is my home?
". . . LOKI!" Her voice interrupted my thoughts, right by my ear, causing me to jump a little.
"Y-yes?" I croaked. She was so close to me and I wish I could just wrap my arms around her, but it wasn't wise to do so.
"You totally zoned out for a moment there. Penny for your thoughts?" Her smile was adorable and I almost told her what I was thinking.
'Sorry, dear, not going to happen. I have a proposition for you." I replied, leaping nimbly off the couch and taking by the hand.
"Are you going to tell me what this proposition is before you kidnap me?" She questioned, giggling slightly.
Why must she be so adorable and cute, and perfect . . . I better not get carried away right now.
"I think I know a way I can bring your memories back. Are you willing to try it?" The words left my mouth and I almost instantly regretted them.
The eagerness in her chocolate eyes already gave me the answer, but I knew that this wasn't the right way to bring her memories back.
Avvy nodded enthusiastically, her long brown hair bobbing up and down.
What now? I regret asking her that, but I know that I should at least try. It would be easier for everyone really.
Natasha wouldn't be manipulating her, Bruce wouldn't actually be counting on a chance with her, Soldier Man wouldn't be taking her away from me, Tony wouldn't be so worried about their friendship and Pepper wouldn't be getting the cold shoulder. Not to mention the oaf that is my brother wouldn't scare her half as much as he is, and my ex-follower would be able to help her every step away of the way.
Everyone is helped if I help her.
"Okay, let's go then." I said, grabbing her hand, clutching it in my own and pulling her to the moving contraption that would take us out of the standing death trap.
I am not overly fond of this 'tower'.


Avallone's P.O.V.

"Loki, why are we in a park?" I groaned. My sweaty hand was still in his own cool one.
I think I have been holding his hand for over thirty minutes now.
"I have already told you. We are going to try get your memories back." He replied, walking faster. My legs were burning and my arm was aching.
"Yes I know that, but how does that involve a park?" I tried questioning further.
But he didn't answer, only sped up more. I don't know if I can go any faster.
He's lucky he has long legs, but me on the other hand, my legs are average size, if not shorter than normal.
Loki stopped abruptly, making met crash into his back. I pull away, but he yanks me gently by the hand to his side.
We are standing on a path, staring a bridge. It had a broken railing on one side. It looked run down.
"Does anyone actually take care of this place?" I asked, walking towards it.
"No, wait! we have to recreate the scene exactly for this to work." He exclaimed, pulling me into his chest.
I stared up at him, utterly surprised at his actions.
My heart fluttered in my chest and my breath become shallow.
No, surely not. It doesn't make sense, does it?
It could not been possible that I had been in love with Loki Laufeyson.

Song for this chapter: Still Into You by Paramore.

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