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After a long deserved sleep, Ari, Kelly, Taylor and River continue on their journey to Ayauhteotl. They bask in wonder at how an ancient could have such an effect as they see living souls all around.

The horses beneath them steadily canter as they pass by other towns.

"It still amazes me how people can go back to living normally after their lives were literally turned upside down." Ari thinks aloud and strokes her Pinto's flowing black mane.

"I guess. I'm still a bit overwhelmed myself." Kelly agrees, her bay horse shakes its head as if agreeing.

"Look, Torquemada is just up ahead." Taylor says as he steers his palomino horse off the track and onto the grassy land which lead up to the town.

"Ayauhteotl said to meet her down here." River says and stands his horse on the flat land and let it graze. The Lusitano dipped its head towards the ground and took small mouthfulls of the Mexican grass.

Up ahead, a beautiful stark white unicorn flew down to meet the four. She had golden hooves and sparkling silver horn, her mane and tail were made of coarse silver strands which glinted like stars, and had an aura of butterflies surrounding her.

The regular horses looked at the majestic animal in shock and awe, and felt the need to bow their heads.

"You have done well. Let's head back to where we belong." Ayauhteotl says, even though her horse lips don't move. The others nodded and dismounted their horses, they would return to Las Hermanas by themselves, and given to Mother Superior, as a thanks for helping the four.

"Shift. We will be on out way."

One by one, the humans shift into their horse forms, and Ayauhteotl touches her silver horn to each of their necks. Colourful rainbows swirl around their feet as the unicorn jumps into the sky before the others.

"Will they be okay?" War asks referring to the humans as she jumps up after the unicorn.

"As long as you look over them, they will always be okay."

Not quite understanding what she meant, War just nods her head along with the others, and follow Ayauhteotl back to where they belong.

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