5: Entering Mexico

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War and Famine walk behind the train as it continues along the track. They stay hidden in the bushes as War was drying out quicker than expected. Her roan colour occasionally sparked as her coat dried.

Up ahead they neared the train as it seemed to be stationery.

"Whats happening?" Famine asked as they could just make out the recruitments getting off the train and moving round the front.

"A road block maybe? Lets go up that hill so we can see better." War says and canters to a hill on the other side of the tracks. As they near the edge they could indeed see there was a roadblock and the captain was busy getting the guys to move the debris.

"Faster. We haven't got all day!" He says as the men start moving the blocks as fast as they can. River catches the horses eyes and pokes his tongue out at them seeing as they had the easy way out.

"Rather him than us." War laughs along with Famine. The captain continues shouting out orders, failing to notice the advancing crowd of zombies.

"We have to help them." War says panicked as the zombies get closer and closer.

"Hang on, he's noticed now." Famine says as the captain finally notices the zombies.

"Quicker! We need to move, NOW!" he yells which only startles the other men. They look at eachother uncertainly and a few of them run away. Most people pull out their guns and start shooting the mob of undead, but when realising there was about 50 zombies to 5 men they ran off too.

"Wait! Where are you going?! Get back here now!" The captain yells to the fleeing men. He looks back at the zombies then back at the comrades running away, he joins them too, leaving River and Taylor by themselves.

"We need to help them." War says and Famine agrees. The mares canter down the hill amd circle the zombies which were circling the front of the train. River shifts into Death and allows Taylor on his back before mowing down the zombies.

"C'mon, spark." War talks to herself, galloping to and fro trying to dry herself out as much as she can. She tries one last time and her fire burns weakly, before flaming to the full. She neighs in joy and gallops back to the others, running into zombies on the way.

Famine shifts into Kelly and starts to remove most of the road block as she can as the others distract the zombies. She nearly removed all the bricks and goes to stand up when an undead cougar pounces on her from the bushes. Its claws dig into her sids as she falls backwards. It pounces off her, circling around and crawling with its belly to the floor, ready for its next attack. Kelly presses her hand to her side as she stands up, she barely manages to get her pistol out before the cougar pounces again. Her sides were throbbing painfully as she aimed her pistol and shot the couger. Where? She didn't know. The animal landed with a thud and stumbled away.

"Kelly are you okay?" Taylor asks as he vaults off Death and comes over to her side. She shakes her head and removes the hand which was pressed against her side only for it to ooze with blood.

"Shit um. I have some medicine. That will help." He says and reaches into the satchel wrapped around his waist and pulls out some antiseptic liquid. He pours a little bit into the wound which stings for a moment before Kelly begins to feel better.

"You'll heal faster anyway due to your shifting powers." Ari says after shifting. Kelly thanks Taylor and looks around, there were corpses everywhere.

"Well we won't be able to move this." River says gesturing to the giant wad of metal lying in the tracks.

"What are we gonna do? Plough through it?" Kelly ask sarcastically. When she doesn't get a reply she realises what she said was correct.

"All aboard!" River shouts before releasing the brake on the train. The others grab onto handles and bars to support themselves as the train whacks the metal. The four stumble backwards and fall over. Its then they realise they were in Mexico.

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