4: Boarding the Train

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River was the first to wake out of the four. He looked towards where the sun was rising and could make out it was around 6am.

"C'mon guys. We need to go to The Scratching Post to pick up these uniforms." River says once the others had awoken. Ari stands up and stretches out, earning a satisfying crack from her lover back.

"Well let's be off then." Kelly says and shifts into Famine. The others do the same and follow her lead from Solomon's Folly to The Scratching Post. It took them about 10 minutes at a canter and soon they could see about 5 army men trying to battle with 30 zombies.

"Looks like we'll have to do this the old way." River says as he shifts and pulls his pistol from his holster. The others do the same except Ari who lights a torch. They walk down towards the camp and see one zombie holding onto a recruits leg. Taylor aimed and shot the zombie dead, its body falling limp to the floor.

"Need help?" Ari asks as she swipes her torch at a Retcher, remembering this time they explode and moving a safe distance away. The man nodded gratefully and began shooting again.

Taylor stood infront of a line of zombies and used a skill he calls dead-eye he'd mastered over the years. The zombies fell dead at his feet. Ari swept around the undead, taking them by surprise as she lights strands of ragged clothing. The zombies light up and eventually burn.

Kelly and River work together, standing back to back they shoot the zombies coming at them in all directions and soon, not one undead was left.

"Thanks for your help kids. I don't think we would have managed." The lead recruit came over and thanked the four.

"Not a problem. Would you have any spare uniforms we could borrow?" Taylor asked.

"What for?" The man asks curiously.

"We need to get over the boarder, I heard they're sending a train down to Mexico from Benedict Point."

"Yeah but we only have two. Your friends will have to find another way in." He says gesturing to Ari and Kelly, seeing as they would only let male recruitments on the train.

"I see. Thanks for your help sir." River says respectfully, him and Taylor make their way over to the camp where a chest lies with two uniforms in. Once Taylor and River were dressed they came back over to Ari and Kelly.

"We suggest you follow the train as horses. That way it will look more natural than people trying to get over the boarder." Taylor says with River nodding along.

"Um but wont I at least stand out a bit? You know horse on fire and everything." Ari says confused. River puts on his thinking face before coming up with an answer.

"Water puts out fire. Maybe you could go down to The San Luis river to put your fire out. That way when you get to Benedict Point your coat will be wet and your fire won't be able to spark. But once you dry out you'll be able to use your fire again?" River questions, it sounded like a good idea but would it work?

Ari thought over the idea for a moment before deciding it could work.

"I'll try. But if it doesn't work then I'm screwed." Ari says. Her and Kelly walk down to where there was a dip in the land where it was easy to get into the river. Taylor and River walk on and make their way over to Benedict Point where they would board the train.

Ari shifts into War, he mane, tail and legs flamimg as they did. She gingerly puts a hoof in the water and hears the sizzle of fire being put out. She removes her hoof from the water and about 5 minutes later when her leg has dried out, the fire returns.

"This should work." She tells Kelly and wades about 10 meters into the water where the river reaches half way up her neck. She dips her head enough to get her mane thoroughly soaked before coming back up again. She waded out the water and her coat was glistening in the afternoon sun.

Kelly shifts into Famine and they make their way over to Benedict Point where the train should be leaving soon.

Upon reaching Benedict Point, Taylor and River see the Army trying to fight off the zombies which were climbing on the train.

"Somebody help me out!" A man shouted as he tried to fend off the undead. Taylor lifted his pistol and in a shot the zombie was dead. The man looked up and saw River and Taylor standing a way off and he beckoned them over.

"Thank you recruit, I think I would have been one of them if you didn't help." The man says as he helps them both climb on the train.

"Not a problem mister." River says and carries on shooting the zombies. The train begins to move forward and in the distance Taylor can just see Famine and War coming down the tracks, occasionally stopping to graze to look natural.

As the train ploughs forward the ground continously rumbles with the undead breaking free from the ground. Taylor and River, along with the other men continue to shoot the zombies until they get left behind.

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