2: A Journey Ahead

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The four horses break out of a cloud in the sky and land on the floor with a thump. All around them, the ground constantly trembles with the undead rising.

"You must go, before it's too late." Ayauhteotl, the Aztec Goddess tells the four horses. The storm cloud in the sky closes, masking the land in darkness.

"We have a week." Pestilence states and shakes out his blood splattered mane. "We need to clear out the towns and graveyards before we return the mask."

"Well what are we waiting for, lets move." War says and begins to gallop towards Blackwater with the others close behind. When they see the town, ablaze with fire and undead hordes scattered around the town they come up with a plan.

"Me and Pestilence will clear the town, War and Famine, you clear the graveyard." Death instructs and they all nod before Pestilence and Famine shift into their human forms. Taylor mounts up on Death who rides into the town, barreling over the undead who walk in his path as Taylor takes out the pistol, killing each undead he aims at.

While War and Kelly get to work on the graveyard, Kelly uses her unlimited stamina and fast speed to get from one coffin to the other while War ingites the rising zombies.

"Is that it?" War asks coming over to stand by Kelly who just burned the last coffin.

"I think so." Kelly says before she's interrupted by a rumbling sound, they turn to look at a grave where a Bruiser was rising from the ground.

"Mordecai." Kelly says and vaults on Wars back. The bruiser slowly trudged over to the horse and girl, groaning as it did. War reared in the air and brought her legs down ontop of the zombies skull, setting him alight and killing him.

"Lets find Death and Taylor in the town." War says and takes off cantering towards the town where the undead were nearly gone.

"Hey! Up here!" A survivor shouts from the top of a building. Kelly dismounts War and climbs the ladder to where the lead survivor is. "Do y'all have any ammo? I'm running seriously low." He says and fires his last bullet which hits a zombie in the head.

"I may have a few." Kelly says and digs some rifel bullets out of her pockets.

"God bless you in this awful world." He says and begins killing more zombies. Kelly climbed back down the ladder to where War was waiting patiently for her to mount back up. War cantered around the town in search of more undead, but they found none. Soon Death and Taylor met them infront of the general store.

"Is that all?" Kelly asks Taylor who dismoumts Death and shifts into Pestilence.

"Yeah, the town will be safe to sleep here now if we need." Death says. Kelly shifts into Famine and as they make their way out of the town they see a small group of people huddled together.

"It's the glass eye!" One woman is saying. The four horses shift again and hide behind a building to listen to their conversation.

"No, no it's gotta be the snake oil guy." One of the men says upon hearing the womens conversation.

"How could a glass eye possibly cause some plague which effects the entire country. I'm telling you its those people from Mexico!" Another lady says, they start having an argument before a zombie comes out and attacks the group. The people scattered as the bolter pounced on one of the ladies. Taylor quickly whipped out his pistol and shot the zombie.

"We should go." River suggests and the others agree. They shift and make their way to Manzanita Post.

When they arrived, it was even more crowded than Blackwater was. The survivors were hiding in the general store where the doors had been broken down and the undead were filing in. Not thinking, Taylor shifted into his human form and called out to the zombies the get their attention.

"Leave them alone you freaks!" He shouts which successfully earns the attention of most zombies. They begin wading over the the four, groaning as they do. Taylor spots a torch laying on ground by the hitching post and makes a grab of it, lighting it on a nearby flaming barrel.

"Lets get to work." He says and soon they begin to clear out all the towns in New Austin.

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