"Was I trying to kill you? No, I never ever would want you dead. I just was kind of distracted because I was trying to think of what I was going to do. It's not like I was going to ask you out in front of him," he adds.

"I'm so so sorry, I should have never believed Kristin. God, I'm such an idiot!" I reply, then he grabs my face, and kisses me.

Wow, I never thought I'd kiss two boys in one day. 

About thirty minutes later, Aiden comes with me to Jonah's house. I decided that I don't want to stay at Jonah's place anymore, but I also don't want to be at Aiden's, so I'm going to go home. Jonah is sitting on the couch with Jacy watching tv when I walk in.

"So what ha-" Jonah begins to say when he sees Aiden. Jonah begins to clench his fist, so I stand in front of Aiden.

"Um, I decided I am going to go live with my dad, he had talked to me about it at the hospital, like I told you. Aiden was just going to help me pack my things, and then was going to help me face the wrath of my evil stepmonster and Lillian," I explain.

"I could have helped you," he snaps.

"Jonah, cool off! It's not like they're dating! Stop being so jealous, you're the one who drove her out of here, what made you think she was going to stay for long?" Jacy says, shutting Jonah up.

"Jacy, you're welcome to come over anytime you like, okay? Feel free to call me," I reply, and go give her a hug.

"I will, be safe, and Aiden, take care of her or I will kick you!" She states, making Aiden and I laugh.

"There's no doubt that I will," Aiden replies, and then grabs my hand. We walk upstairs and he helps me pack.

When I get to my house, I see Kyle sitting on the porch, and I look over at Aiden.

"I called him because my mom wants me home to help out with some stuff, like scrap booking or whatever. I'm sure you'll be in good hands," he states, and then kisses my cheek. He hops out of the car and walks over to a cab a couple houses down.

Okay, seriously, how are cabs everywhere?

I step out of my car and lock it, then run up to Kyle and hug him.

"Did you already tell my dad?" I ask as I pull out of the hug.

"Well... I kind of had to, I didn't want him to think I was creepy just sitting on his porch," he answers, and I giggle. God, why didn't I just stay at Kyle's house? Oh right, because he already has one too many siblings, and I wouldn't want to intrude that.

I walk inside the house, and immediately, my dad hugs me.

"Welcome home, honey, I'm so happy to see you," he says.

"Oh my god, what is that dweeb doing here?" Lillian growls.

"She's your sister, and be nice or you're not going to that party on Friday. The only reason we were letting you go to that was because we already said yes before you got grounded," Dad states.

"Whatever," she snaps, and then runs upstairs.

"We found drugs in her room," Dad explains.

"Oh," Kyle and I say in unison. 

"Yeah, so your step mom is out of town on a business trip and she won't be back till Monday," he replies.

"Can I skip school next week? I mean Monday I was in an accident, Tuesday I had surgery, Wednesday through Friday, I was in the hospital, now it's Saturday or Sunday or whatever and they told me the only way I could come home was if I rest a lot," I ask.

"Well, I will try to get you an appointment Wednesday, and if the doctor says to rest more, you can stay home, otherwise you're going to school Thursday," he replies.

"Okay, thanks dad," I reply, and give him a big hug.

"I'm so happy to be home," I mutter.

"Me too," my dad mumbles.

"Me three," Kyle states, joining in on the hug, and we all laugh.


Hey guys!

Woah, two chapters in one night? Yeah that's right! I wanted to make up for the super overdue delay! So sorry about that guys!

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter, if you did make sure to vote<3

Also, who do you think Dani will pick? Aiden or Jonah? Comment your guesses down below! Whoever gets it right wins a shoutout in my next chapter (which I promise will not be released in a month!)

Love you guys and have a great day!


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