It looked normal.

"Sorry it's a mess, I didn't have time to clean up after the boys came round yesterday.

I watched as his eyes scanned his room, seeming to look for something that shouldn't be in his room.

Dylan sat down on his sofa and I followed to do the same.

I sat down but my foot stepped on something. I looked down and noticed a gun. Examining it with my eyes closer I noticed it was a Colt 45.


My eyes widened as I realised that's what he was searching the room for. It must have been this gun.

This town has way too many guns. First in a tree now Tyler has one.

But then again, I have a couple too.

Maybe he just has it for protection. I mentally shrugged.

Pretending not to see it, I looked over at Tyler who was getting his laptop. He came over and sat in the beanbag opposite me.

"So..." He trailed off.

"How do you want to do this?" I asked.

He shrugged, "How about we become better friends by watching a movie, you know also for inspiration and that way Dylan has something to do." His eyes lit up at his amazing idea.

Oh well. Anything to get my mind off this project.




We watched Frozen...

Every single song would be sung by Tyler's out of tune voice.

Yes, I got up and sang along with Dylan and Tyler for Let it go, but that was only one song. One song.

He even knew Reindeers are better than people.

I mean, come on.

I sighed and got up. Yawning, I stretched before sitting back down.

I looked over at Dylan to see him yawning. I checked the time, it was already 6:10. Tyler kept on pausing the movie to get popcorn.

Dylan's eyes held a hint of exhaustion but knowing him he wouldn't want to sleep just yet. He wouldn't feel tired enough to sleep, instead he would eat or watch TV.

"Tyler, can you please let Dylan watch some TV in here?" I asked.

He nodded then turned the TV onto SpongeBob Squarepants.

"Is this alright little man?"

All of a sudden, Dylan seemed wide awake without any traces of sleepiness or drowsiness. However, I knew that would only last for about an hour or so before he would hardly be able to keep his eyes open.

Dylan nodded his head.

Turning back to Dylan, I mouthed a 'thank you', smiling in gratitude.

"Right, now are we ready to start the project?" I questioned him.

He beamed at me, "It started when I pressed play on the remote."

"How did that help us with this project?" I looked at him incredulously.

He returned it with a bewildered look. "How did it not help? I just got my inspiration."

I sighed shaking my head.

"You believe in love right? Well, maybe we should show our differences on what we think love means and what it means to us." I said.

"Great idea, I was thinking the exact same thing." He flashed me a cheeky smile. That boy.

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