Make Up Your Mind

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i was walking down the school corridor going to my first lesson of this term when a bunch of jocks come running up to me from the other side.

"oi, where ya think you're going Iero" the biggest one shouted at me.

"im going to art" i said stuttering at the thought of being beat up again. the only good thing about art is that i have it with Mikeys brother, Gerard. Im good at art so my teacher says and i got put up into the top years group.

"the only art you'll be gettin today is the blood runnin down your face!" another one shouted at me, and with that they charged at me and shuved me in the lockers.

i was in there until lunch, when all the people had gone i heard footsteps, i heard mikeys voice...and he was with gerard. i started banging on the locker door trying to get them to notice me.

mikey opened the door and let me out.

"woah, frank, how long have you been in there?!" mikey said staring worringly at me, and so did gerard behind him.

"err...well i...-" gerard cut me off saying

"i noticed you weren't in art......i mean err, that y'know......urm, miss put us in a new seating plan and we sit next to eachother" he mumbled as mikey gave him a strange look.

its probably no secret i like gerard, i go round the Ways house every night as my mum does night shifts at where ever the hell she works, but it could never be though, right? Gerards 18 and im only 16 plus its illegal.....and isn't gerard straight anyway?! urgh, pull yourself together frank.

we all walked silently to gerards car and mikeyshot gunned the front seat, i didn't mind though, i didn't feel like sitting next to mr.perfect right not, not after that incident in the locker rooms.

we got to gerard wand mikeys house and walked out to the front door. luckily their mum works night shifts with my mum, they're best friends, literally...but im not complaining.

gerard opened the door and we all shuffled in and through to the kitchen. Mikey put the kettle on for us all and gerard went to his room for some reason that even mikey doesn't know. After getting coffee and marshmallows we all went up to gerards room to watch the new horror movie we brought on the way home.

mikey sat down on the end of the bed with his back against the poster filled wall and his feet off the side of the it and patted his hand next to him in the middle. i sat down and watched gerard put the disc in the machine....that ass......Mmm, thoughts of my hands running up his pale body sent a pleasuring shiver through my spine. Gerard sat down next to me and we watched the film.

A zombie popped up on the screen and we all screamed like girls and huddled up, gee leaning on my panting, i could feel his warm breath on my kneck. We were disturbed my a knock at the door and we all looked at eachother and laughed awkwardly, mikey got up and answered the door and came back up the stairs and footsteps went into mikeys room and he told us it was alicia, his formly known 'girlfriend', and they were going to work on their french projects. Me and gerard exchanged looks and laughed after mikey had left earshot.....we all know what kind of 'french homework' they were doing right?

with mikey gone i shuffled up to where mikey was looking. within the film i caught gerard watching me biting his lip, what was he thinking? hes straight right? right? i couldnt help but look at him and kept catching him staring which made his pale cheeks blush slightly and his eyes dart across to the TV and back at me when he thought it was safe.

it was the end of the movie and I had my eyes closed, can you blame me? its 2am. when I felt the matress underneath me move, in seconds I felt someone's lips touching mine and a familiar smell I know of cigarettes and coffee combined to make a smell I refer to as heaven. he pulled away and went to where he was sitting and fell asleep.

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