Chapter 7

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the next mroning i woke up on the sofa.

my back kills.

i got up and went to make some coffee.

i heard someone come down the stairs. it was alicia.

i ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her and started sobbing into her shoulder

"woah, whats up frank?" she asked

"everything" i replied.

we sat down at the table with out coffees

"alicia, whats going on?" i asked her

"frank, its not my place to tell you, im sorry hunny" she replied.

gerard stumbled through into the room and grabbed a coffee

"morning" i said and smiled at him

"oh, yeah, morning frankie" he replied with a massive grin on his face


we got dressed and went to school.

at break me, gerard, mikey and ray were hanging by our lockers when lindsey came up to us all

"im really sorry about my mum last night" she said

"no, its totally fine. just rip our family apart one by one" mikey replied.

"lindsey, its not my baby is it" gerard stated

"well of course it is" she said tensing up abit.

"but ive never seen you anywhere but at school"

which was true as gerard went from school to the house and never left

"well, i, i have geography now, see ya" and with that she marched off

"gerard" mikey moaned as he walked off with ray to their next lesson.

lucky-ish for me i had art next to gerard. we walked through the corridors together when i felt a hand lock into mine secretly when no one was looking. i traced the hand and ran my eyes up the arm and got to a face. gerards face.

he smiled and blushed slightly.

we sat down in our places and waited for the lesson to begin.

"frank i-" gerard began

"you what gerard? you have been playing around with my feelings and my head for however long! and lindsey, how fucked up do you want me to get?" i blurted out hurt

"frankie" gerard said in a symathetic voice

"dont frankie me gerard" i stated

"frank, im not sure how much you heard last night but i wanted to tell you-" i cut him off

"im sorry gee"

"dont be sorry frank, i wanted to tell you that im going to d-" the teacher interrupted

"gerard and frank! please be quiet!" she shouted

and i didnt hear the rest of the sentence.

eventually lunch came, and like always i went straight to the library.

gerard, mikey and ray came into the library and sat down on beanbags next to me

"frankie, mikey has something to say" ray said

"frank, im sorry for being really moody lately, theres been alot of shit going around that i couldnt deal with" mikey explained

"its alright man!" i said back to him.

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