Chapter 5

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I decided to talk to mikey about it as I knew it would be so much easier than asking gerard.

I had the lesson before lunch with mikey again later that afternoon, I decided i'll tell him then!...I looked down at my timetable

"shit" I mumbled to myself as I realized I had art soon next to gerard. how could I face him again?

"whats the matter" a familiar nerdy voice said from behind me

"oh, I was just looking at my err timetable" I replied to Mikey nervously. he gave me a strange look and we went off to 3rd period.

I was sat in English and miss gave us a poem to read, I scanned the lines until a part caught my eye

'stronger than before when your life becomes a war, set the world on fire'

oh shit, before I knew it I was thinking about gerard again.....

the bell rang eventually and I made my way to science to meet up with mikey and princess fro-fro.

we walked into the classroom to be greated by miss scowling at us. we sat down and I turned to mikey to ask him my theorys

"mikes, I don't mean to like, intrude or anything but.....why is gerard going out with lindsey all of a sudden?" I questioned him, probably a little bit too anxious a he looked at me like he feels sorry for me

"its super complicated" he paused slightly "he really needs to sort his head out" he gave a worried expression that was probably for Gee

we'd all noticed it. Gerard had been so sad lately, but not his usual depressed personality with bright lights poking through the darkness escaping for only some to see.....I liked to think of those outbursts as a heavenly call to say 'he loves you but not since he started randomly dating a girl in the year below me that had, well almost had the same adorable features i did.......well I suppose

*shifty eyes* >.>

it was the start of Lunch and instead of going straight to the library I decided to give into my annoying cravings and have a fag......

I walked over and shot behind the corner of the turning to the bike sheds, I could hear voices.....infact I could hear mikeys voice, and boy did he sound angry!

"you selfish bitch!" mikey was screaming "you stupid bitch! how dare you! I mean I knew it, all the clues you gave out! and after all this. you are pathetic. GERARD ARTHUR WAY YOU ARE PATHETIC."

"mikes! why are you so angry, why can't you be happy for me?!" gerard wailed

"happy for you? motherfucking happy for you?" mikey was screaming. "your my older brother gerard!" he continued "im suppose to look up to you!"

gerard sniffed.

"but no, not anymore" and I heard footsteps getting louder, I ran back into the school building and straight for the library.

I sat down and sighed rubbing my hands on my face being careful not to smudge my eyeliner....or guyliner as they say.

all I can say is for the next 4 days gerard was not seen with lindsey and his phone was in the bin. he didn't come to school for 2 out of the 4 days but one night Ray came knocking for him to check he was okay, gerard and him were in Gerards room for over 3 hours and after that Gerards mood improved abit....well, his mood in genral, but not towards mikey, there was still a slight....wall there inbetween them.

it was Thursday, which meant school. I got up and put the kettle on instantly somehow calling gerard from his...I mean our dark room. he ran down the stairs and stood in the door way.

"morning" I said to him and gave him my trademark frank iero smile.

"oh, hi, you okay?" he asked

"yeah, I guess. I could ask you the same question" I said messing his hair up with my hands and he walked over to collect his coffee when he stopped and turned to face me making our torsos a finger width away.

"frank, I know I've been a total jerk lately, but, were still good mates right?" he looked at me lovingly. I nodded my head.

"course we are geebear" I said looking up into his beautiful eyes

"can I have a frankie hug" he said quietly in a childish voice

"come here" I said as our arms wrapped around each other.

"your my best friend frank" he mumbled into my neck

"your my best friend too" I replied half meaning it and half not aware that I even said it

mikey walked in the room tutted and then walked out again. leaving me and gerard to hug eachother tighter.

we walked out the door, out to gerards car and he shot-gunned front seat for me.

we were driving to school when i remembered that i needed to ask mikey, or someone about my theory which was half proving to be i keep telling myself.

i felt bad for gee as i remembered mikey shouting at him, and mikey never gets angry.

we arrived at school.

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