Chapter 11

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about a month and a half past.

mikey and alicias 2month anniversary was today. so we all decided to have dinner as a 'family' or as housemates. Gerard was out shopping for some decent food to eat and mikey and alicia were spending the day together...leaving me and lindsey, yet again, alone in the house together alone.

"so, your nearly due" i say to lindsey breaking the awkward silence in the sitting room

"yeah, i suppose i am" she replied sitting on the sofa opposite the one i was sitting on.

"umm....what you genna call it, her, him, it" i joked.

"god knows, mabe......" she paused and a smile crept to her face "maybe frankie" she said quietening her voice sounding seductive.

"oh, really" i paused realizing it was my name "shit, thats my name" i gasped before i knew i had said it outloud.

"i know, i still haven't forgot about out deal" she hissed.

"its not a deal lindsey" i said.

"well no, it was more of a statement. you do remember you and gerards relationship is illegal....and i could easily tell the police" she said her voice sounding more stern.

"why do you think i would sleep with you?" i shouted "you have made my school life hell! everyone thinks they know im gay!"

"frank calm down! you shouldn't have been making out in my locker then!"

"i wouldn't have been making out if your brother didnt shuv us in your locker in the first place!" i screamed back

we heard the door open and gerard walk into the kitchen

"heya, you two still alive?!" he called through

"yeah, were watching telly" i replied while walking into the kitchen to greet him, leaving lindsey to watch TV on her own.

"baby, she hasnt forgotten" i wispered quietly in his ear

"its okay, its okay" he said mumbling into my shoulder as we hugged in the middle of the kitchen.

that afternoon i helped gerard cook tea. when tea time came me, gerard, lindsey and ofcourse mikey and alicia sat down at the table.

gerard brought our plates over and we all started eating

"so, you two have a nice day?" gerard asked smiling at mikey.

"yeah it was great! we went down to that indoors ice skating place!" mikey beamed.

"yeah, and nearly broke every bone in his body!" alicia added giggling.

i could sense mikeys knees going awkward from under the table........i know this guy too well.

"you have a nice day frank?" alicia asked me

"umm....i guess, it could of been a bit better but" i said trailing off, lindsey shot a death glare my way until she caught gerards eye and he shot her the same look but 100 times worse, she looked down and continued to eat her food.

"i hope this meal didn't cost you too much gee" mikey said apoligetically

"aw, mikes, no worries man. it wasn't that much money! its you and alicias 2month anniversary we might aswell spend abit more money on it" gerard replied.

"well, by the taste of this food it didn't cost so much! or it was just the cooks fault" i joked nearly choking on my food from laughing

"very funny frankie" gerard giggled.

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