Chapter 6

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gerard wasn't in art today....and ray texted me saying mikey wasn't in history either...where were they?

that lunch i went down to behind the bike sheds to have a fag when i saw gerard sitting there. but he was with mikey again...and lindsey!


i poked my head round the corner to get a better view

"and you two swear you're BOTH happy" mikey growled scowling at gerard

"well duh, of course we are" lindsey chanted happily smiling at mikey

"y-yeah" gerard grunted sadly.

lindsey walked off and i hid behind the wall and dumpsters.

"you twat" mikey said to gerard

"i didnt, i havent even. we never. i mean the last time ever did was technically with-" and he trailed off blushing and moving his lips to make my name but never actually saying it.

i felt myself blush and smile slightly....oops, bad timing frank...

"with who?!" mikey said curiously

"with" he paused "with someone i actually care about and love!" he screamed at mikey

"so lindsey then?" mikey questioned curiously

"no" gerard said sternly and he walked off.

that night we were all in the kitchen drinking coffee when someone knocked on the door.

mikey went to open it when an older looking version of lindsey stormed in

she paused and looked around the room for someone

"where and who is he?" she demanded

"who and where is who?" mikey asked

"who lives here, just you two boys?" she questioned

"well actually-" gerard was cut off

she couldnt see me....but i was stanidng behind mikey....

i moved and shuffled out the kitchen door into the sitting room and sat by the doorway listening in

"my daughter is pregnant!" she screamed furiously

i felt my heart break into a million pieces.

"i know" mikey said intelligently "we were talking about it at lunch" he continued "it may not be for the best but im sure they love eachother ma'am"

gerard was crying in the corner

"im mikey, that's gerard, gerard way" he hissed

"hello" gerard stuttered "i, i, im so sorry, i mean we didnt even, y'know" he mumbled running his hands through his hair.

"i dont care whats happened you will stay with my daughter forever, you have to man up and face the consequences" she shouted demandingly.

gerard ran out of the room and into his room. mikey led her out and finished his coffee.

i followed gerard to his room and sat beside him, he cried into my chest

"i havent even had sex, i dont get it" he was crying

"i know baby, i know" i cooed in his ear.

and we all knew it was true. hes never spent more than 2 seconds away from the view of mikey, ray or me.


he ran downstairs and i followed him

"you hypercrit" he shouted

"i didnt though!" gerard cried.

"sort your motherfucking head out! you get a girl pregnant but you actually love my best friend?" mikey shouted

my heart started pounding a smile crept up on my face as i started to blush......eheh...

"i, i, i didnt! we didnt! shes lying!" he cried hardly able to speak

"and why would i believe that?!" mikey shouted back at him angrily

"BECAUSE I WAS ONLY DATING HER TO MAKE YOU THINK IM NOT GAY. I LOVE FRANK" gerard screamed at the top of his lungs and he ran into his room sobbing.

i sat there on the sofa, my heart feeling like its in my throat. fuck.

what do i do now. and whats going on?

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