I stare at him confused. I have never heard of any caves in the Colville National Forest. I don't think there is any. I turn to my friends. Bethany's face is still blank from confusion, while Julian is thinking hard.

"There is no cave by that name," Julian says.

"That's because it's not on the map," Paul tells us. "It's a restricted area. I went hiking near the cave. I was lucky I wasn't seen or I would have been shot on the spot."

"What's in the cave?" I ask.

He shrugs. "That's the question. No one knows. I believe they are hiding something inside, like a laboratory. That's why it isn't on the map or near any roads or trails."

"And you think they could be hiding Bigfoot in there?" Julian says.

He nods. "Yes, I do."

"Did you ever see them with a Bigfoot?" Bethany asks.

"No. But they were carrying a wooden box that looked like a body was inside it. I couldn't see much from where I was hiding. I couldn't get any closer without being caught. I could go in there and find out exactly what is in there. When I saw the three of you on the news, I knew you three would be perfect to be able to get into that cave. If Bigfoot is down there, you could save him."

The three of us stare at each other. I wasn't sure if we were the right ones to rescue Bigfoot. Ever since Julian and I found him, nothing has turned out the way we wanted. There was a chance the three of us could go to the save and rescue him, but be killed saving him. That was something I wasn't prepared to let happen to me or my friends. If Dad found out our plans, he would forbid us from going.

"What if we are killed saving him?" Bethany asks.

"It's the risk you have to take. Sasquatch is an unique creature. He needs to be protected. He is known to protect our forest, so the least we can do is protect him. So are you up for the challenge to save him?"

The three of us stare at each other. It takes six hours and seventeen minutes to get to Colville National Forest from here. It's right at the other end of Washington. It will take us half of the day to get there.

I stand up from the couch. "I'm in."

"Are you sure, David?" Julian looks up at me.

I nod. "Yes, I am. We got Bigfoot into this mess. Now it's up to us to get him out of this. It's my entire fault for wanting that bit of fame when we found him. But I now realise fame isn't important. The important thing is he is kept safe."

Bethany stands up. "I'm in too."

Julian stands up. "So am I."

I see Bethany shoot him a smile. He wasn't looking in my direction, but I knew no doubt he was blushing.

Paul smiles at us, and walks over to a bookshelf. He takes out a brown hard cover book and opens it. He takes something out before putting the book back on the shelf. He hands the piece of paper to Julian.

"This is a map that will lead you to Maze Cave," he tells us.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Julian asks.

Paul shakes his head. "No. I'm unable to go hiking due to a knee operation I had a couple of weeks ago. I'm unable to go on any expeditions for a while."

"Are you sure you can't come with us?" Bethany asks.

"I'm sure."

We thank him and leave the house. We stand on his front lawn, discussing what we are going to do. It wasn't going to be easy sneaking out of the house. It's church tomorrow and it will be Dad's day off.

The Boys Who Cried Sasquatch Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora