Chapter 8 Bizzare Food

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*I heard some frantic searching and my name getting called.*

"Ivy! Ivy where are you answer me if you can hear me!!"

*I rolled out from under the bed and I nearly gave the maid a heart attack.*

"What are you doing under the bed?!"


"Lady's aren't sopost to sleep on the floor!"

"I am fare from a lady."

*I rolled out and stood up and Jinx jumped onto my shoulder.*

"Well,you are going to be trained as a lady."

"First thing is first don't let your climb all over you."

"That is the only way Jinx can get around,sadly she is blind she can get around,but only after I have left a scent trail even then it is difficult for her."

"We are going to work on your manners,apparently we will have to get back to this topic.for now we can let it slide. Ok we are going to get you dressed."

*The maid went and grabbed a different style of dress it was one with a corsets thing on the outside it still had the Mage look as the other dress,but a outward corset on the outside. She gave it to me and I changed into it. When I came out the maid laced it up extremely tight. Seeing as I didn't have any other cloths to were except maybe if I could get my hands on some of the male servants cloths then I would have some. For now I will just go with the flow then take my opportunity up.*

"Hey,I need to go feed Dark Shadow or he won't eat."

"The stable hands are doing it right now."

"He won't eat or or drink anything they give him. Once again he will only let me ride him give him food and water."

"Well,he will jus have to get over it. Onto breakfast."

*The maid lead me down the staircase and I was met with the sight of Drake and the old gyser king.I took my seat a ways down from them and Jinx jumped up onto the headboard of my chair. When a guard came to try and take her off of it she swatted his hand away and gave a hiss with hackles raised.*

"Easy girl,don't kill him."

*I touched her nose and she leaned into my hand with a purr.*

"She certainly is obedient. I don't believe even the house cats are as well trained as she is."

"She isn't trained it's mutual respect. I have the same with Dark Shadow too."

"What did you do to get their respect?"

"I saved their lives and in return they protect me as I to them. Speaking of which I will need to feed my companion or he won't eat."

"I suppose I won't be good to have your friend die on us."

"No it won't be good."

*One of the servants came with a plate of....I think steak? No I think this is bacon and eggs or gosh I don't know I normally had birds or small rodents for breakfast complements to chef Jinx.*

"So tell us what do you normally have for breakfast?"

"Birds,rodents,lizards frogs whatever Jinx would catch for me or Dark Shadow would trample."

*I could visibly see Drake and the king getting green as well as they stopped eatting.*

"Of course your royal platers probably haven't tasted rodents or Lizards before."

*I continued on eating the food in front of me.*

"Perhaps we should talk about something else."

"Oh you can't take a little different food. I am sure you have had fish eggs caviar or salmon."

"Well yes,but..."

"Yes,but the only difference is they are raised and I gather my food naturally. Now if you will excuse me I have a horse to feed."

*I left the room and this time when I went to leave the guards moved aside I could tell they were more wary of me now. I walked out and grabbed a bale of hay from the stables and a bucket of water and went over to Dark Shadow he immediately came over and gave a greeting whinny. I set his food and water down and he drank the water and started to eat the dry hay.*

"Sorry boy the fields are too well kept their isn't much green grass to graze or I wouldn't have brought this dry stuff too you."

*He nudged me and started to eat the food I gave him.I could tell he didn't like it too much,but he tried to eat it for my sake.*

"Don't worry I will find a way for us to get out of here. I still do preferred your cooking over that stuff in their Jinx. I will be happy to cook some if you catch any for us."

*Jinx gave a happy mew at me. I heard a twig snap and I turned behind me to see Drake.*

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