42: [in-ter-uh-gey-shuh n] Pt. 2

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"So, what do you have to say for yourself, Carmine?" Bill asks, pausing the video around the one minute mark. "I don't think you can refute this footage. It's clearly-"

    "It's not what you think," Carmine says, standing up slowly from her seat. She looms over Bill and looks into his eyes. "You will delete this video right now and forget you ever saw me in the Murdock Room. I am not the killer. My family is not related to any of the murders in Richmont or the disappearance of Liam Greene."

    "Oh Carmine, you're so cute when you try to glamour," Bill laughs, holding out his right hand. He's wearing a red cord bracelet.

    An anti-glamour charm.

    Carmine tries to snatch it off his wrist but Bill dodges her with ease. "Too slow," he says in a sing-song voice. Clucking his tongue, he jumps onto the conference table with a menacing grin on his face. He kicks a pile of papers off and watching them flutter to the floor.

    "You're not a regular detective, are you?" Carmine asks slowly, already suspecting what the answer might be.

    "No I'm not. Well, not since my initiation ceremony a few days ago anyway," Bill replies. His impressive figure towers over Carmine, forcing her to take a step back. She finds her back pressed against the door.

    "Wh-What do you want from me?" she asks, fumbling for the door knob.

    "I want you to bring me back to your house. I want to round up you and all your filthy vampire relatives and shoot them in the head with silver bullets."

    "Do I look like a rat to you?" Carmine huffs, desperately trying to turn the doorknob. But try as she might, her hands keep slipping off the handle as if it's covered in oil.

    Bill crouches down and then springs off the table, smacking Carmine to the floor in one fell swoop. Pinning her down with his muscular frame, he spits, "I'll spare your life if you'll take me to Nyla. I want to take that bitch down myself and I know you can lead me to her. It's either that or I shoot you right now and claim self-defence."

    A part of Carmine feels like accepting Bill's offer. After all, she isn't too pleased by her great-aunt's actions. She's a menace to humanity. But Carmine is not one to betray her own family. Especially if her father is right and they need Nyla's help in order to flee the country.

    Carmine spits in Bill's face. She brings her knee forward and swiftly delivers a sharp blow to his groin. Bill rolls off to his side, clutching his privates, his face quickly turning purple with pain. Large blue veins throb along his temples.

    Carmine seizes the opportunity to get back on her feet but Bill manages to grab her by the ankles and drag her back to the floor. "Not...so...fast," he pants, prying her legs apart and bringing his elbow down on her lower back with force.

    Carmine grunts as she takes the blow to her back. Her jaw slams against the floor and her teeth puncture her tongue, drawing blood. She tries to push herself up but Bill sits down on her and draws out a gun out from his holster.

    "One move and you're dead," he grunts. "Silver bullet to the brain."

    Carmine shuts her eyes, letting her arms and legs fall limply to the floor. She groans angrily, gnashing her teeth and swallowing a mouthful of her own blood. Finally, with a defeated sigh she mutters, "Fine, I give up."

    "Good girl," Bill says, "Now come with me back to my car. Don't make a scene or I'll be forced to restrain you. I don't think you want any of your coworkers to see you handcuffed do you?" Bill reaches up and turns the doorknob with ease. "Stand up. Now you're going to take me to your house and convince everyone to come out and save you."

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