17: [nayht/shift]

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~~~This chapter is dedicated to Erika for being my biggest and only fan who consistently comments on my novels. You rock!! :D~~~


"You're a special events server," the young, black haired woman in front of Carmine explains. "That means you work at weddings, conferences, proms, fashion shows...you get the idea. We are the backbones of these functions -the hidden faces- keeping all these fancy operations intact. No one knows we exist, but without our teamwork and diligence, this hotel wouldn't run. Never forget that. Oh and you and I are co-workers."

Carmine nods silently. It still hasn't sunk in fully that she actually got the job, no questions asked. It really pays to have connections in this town.

She studies the tall, lithe woman in front of her. Her new coworker is about 6 feet tall, with jet black hair and a barbell lip piercing. She's wearing a lot of smokey eye makeup and thick black liquid eyeliner. Her full, luscious lips are painted blood red. She looks like she should be doing some modelling or featured in Hollywood movies...at least something more glamorous than serving snooty hotel guests. Then again, she must get a lot of great tips looking the way she does.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Carmine," Carmine introduces herself, extending her hand.

"Nyla," the woman replies, shaking Carmine's hand. "I'm sort of new here too. Only been here two weeks but I guess everyone else was busy prepping for that hoity-toity Henderson wedding so they just assigned you to me for your first day training."

"Well you've still got more experience than me so just show me what I have to do and I will listen to you."

Carmine is not used to following instructions from a human but she figures it's essential if she wants to keep her job and actually be good at it.

"You better listen to her."

That voice.

It's so annoying yet...for some reason it prickles the tiny hairs along Carmine's outer ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

"But more importantly, you need to answer to me. I'm your boss, remember?" Sebastian rests a palm lightly on Carmine's right shoulder, causing her to tremble.

"Don't touch me," Carmine snaps, shrugging off Sebastian's touch and sidling towards Nyla.

Nyla bows her head slightly at the sight of Sebastian. "She's new, Mr. Hunter. Sorry. I think she's just a little overwhelmed by everything. I'm sure she didn't mean to be rude towards you."

Why is she acting so scared of him? It's not like he's the big boss, like Lucas Greene. Now that's a man people should stay away from.

"Nyla, It's okay. Sebastian and I know each other. We- Uh...He-He was the one who recommended me to this job."

Nyla's eyes light up momentarily, as if a bulb went off in her head. "Oh! Okay, that makes sense."

"Nyla, is it?" Sebastian turns to Nyla, flashing her one of his characteristically charming smiles. "Take good care of Carmine. She's very special to me."

"Yes sir!" Nyla stands a little straighter. Her blue gray eyes cautiously flicker up at her superior.

Is she blushing?

"Now get to work you two. No more chit-chat and slacking off in the hallway. Carmine, we'll talk later." Sebastian gives Carmine a nod before taking out his cellphone and walking down the hall.

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