[ACT FOUR] ---32: [Swon-sen] Pt. 1

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countrygal1323 This chapter is for Erika (countrygal1323). If I could, I'd probably dedicate most of my work to her because she is one of my biggest fans and I love her to death. I would've lost motivation a long time ago if it wasn't for her voting on all my novels and leaving a bazillion comments. Thanks a million Erika; you're the best!!


[---ACT FOUR---]


Carmine turns around and sees Sebastian literally shaking in his boots. His face is pale and stricken with shock. "Seb- Oh God- Sebastian are you okay?"

"You see what I see right?" Sebastian asks, pointing to the flaming truck.

"Did you see what happened?" Carmine asks, careful not to reveal anything.

"No, I- I got to Westmont and Hillcrest but you weren't there so I decided to drive a bit further in case you wandered off, which of course you did and holy crap should we call the cops? Of course we should, what am I saying?!" Sebastian reaches for his cellphone and quickly dials 911. "Hello? Yes. I'm at Hillcrest and...Laurie Street. I think. It's so dark! There's a mutilated man in a car that's ON FIRE. Get here. NOW."

After hanging up the phone, Sebastian turns to Carmine, gripping her shoulders tight. He looks straight into her eyes, his corneas glistening. "Are you okay Carmine? I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. Especially since we just escaped from a fire last night. D-D-Do you think these two events are related? Oh of course not. What the hell am I blabbering about? I-I think I'm in shock. Traumatized even. Jesus. Should we do something?"

Carmine isn't even paying attention to Sebastian's rambling. She is trying hard to register what she just saw. But no matter how hard she tries, she can't accept the facts. Her whole body feels rigid and hollow, sailing on the verge of a complete mental and physical breakdown.


Carmine's sweet, funny and occasionally ditzy coworker Nyla? The desperate young woman with a humongous crush on Sebastian...is a vampire? Not just a regular vampire but a savage, disgusting, undead animal? No. It just can't be. It must have been her eyes playing tricks on her.

Carmine shuts her eyelids, massaging the her eyeballs. Maybe her night vision isn't as good as she thinks? It HAS been a long day. She worked a tough shift...then experimented with glamour at the carnival. And of course there was seeing Liam and then discovering the truth about his "death" from Mason.

Her brain is definitely overworked. Its circuitry must be fried.

About thirty or forty people are standing on their lawns now, murmuring, pointing fingers, sobbing, screaming and shielding their children's precious eyes. The ambulance and fire trucks come soon after, but of course, Carmine knows it's already too late for the man.

He's beyond saving.

Carmine feels mentally and physically drained. She's about to ask Sebastian to take her away from the scene of the crime when Sebastian says, "I know this is probably the last thing you want to do but...I just texted my cousin. Detective Swanson. I told you about him last night. He says he was preparing to head over anyway. He's been put in charge of investigating the fire at the hotel and now he's coming over to comb this crime scene for any clues. I think-"

"-You want me to talk to him?" Carmine asks, sighing audibly. "It's late. I don't even know what time it is but I feel like passing out. Can't this wait?"

"It'll be quick, I promise. Like killing two birds with one stone. We need to give a statement anyway. We're witnesses." Sebastian wraps his warm hands around Carmine's cold ones, giving them a reassuring squeeze.

"You didn't even see anything," Carmine says, gripping Sebastian's hands tighter. Her teeth start to chatter involuntarily.

"Are you cold?" Sebastian asks, shrugging off his zip up sweater. "Here." After a pause, he adds, "I might not have seen anything, but I know you sure did."

"And how do you know that?" Carmine asks, slipping her arms through the sleeves. She realizes it's the same jacket Sebastian lent her when they first met.

"Just based on your facial expression and your reaction to the crime scene. I know there's more to this story. You called me almost twenty-five minutes ago. I was held up by some traffic so I got here late. You must've seen who did it."

"No, I didn't actually," Carmine lies. "I got here a few seconds before you."

"I don't believe you. No offence Carmine," Sebastian spins Carmine around until their noses are practically touching. "Don't worry, my cousin is great at his job. You can trust him. I do." Sebastian points to a figure exiting a police vehicle. "Here he is now."

Bill Swanson walks past a few police officers and paramedics up to an important looking man. Carmine can hear their hushed conversation, even above all the screaming and the roaring fire.

Bill says, "Sir, do you think this is related to the hotel fire last night?"

The other man, most likely the Police Commissioner replies, "It might be. Hard to say."

Bill continues. "Looks like the Vampire Stalker is in Richmont now."

Bill's superior nods. "Don't tell anyone about our suspicions. The last thing we want is for the vampire to know that we're on to her."

"How do you know it's a female vampire?" Bill asks.

"The task force has strong suspicions based on the killer's M.O. and crime scene evidence. She tends to seduce her victims and have sex with them before draining their blood. In the Larksdale crime scenes they found used condoms, lipstick stains and some long black hair. No DNA matches though. If this is her work, there's no doubt we'll find the victim's heart and voice box ripped out. That's her mark." The Commissioner clears his throat. "Go interview the witnesses. I'll take over the situation down here."

Bill nods grimly and starts making his way up the street towards Sebastian and Carmine. His back is slightly hunched and he has the collar of his trench coat flipped up. Against eerie shadows cast by the dying fire, Bill's face looks menacing. Almost sinister.

Carmine's hands grow slightly sweaty as the intimidating figure gives Sebastian a small wave.

"Sebastian," Bill calls out, giving his cousin a hug. "How are you? How's Uncle Ray and Aunt Nadia?"

"Good. Retired. They bought a time-share in Florida and they're probably sun-tanning on the beach right now." Sebastian turns to Carmine and flashes her a weak smile. "This is Carmine. We work together. Carmine, this is my cousin Bill."

"We've met," Bill explains, shaking Carmine's floppy hand. "She was a crime scene witness for the Melissa Wilder case. Her brother too. How is he doing by the way?"

Sebastian turns to Carmine. "You have a brother? How did I never-"

"It's not important," Carmine snaps. "Please, can we get this over with? Today's been a REALLY long day."

"Sure, Carmine." Bill bares his teeth and flashes Carmine a superficial smile. He whips out a small spiral notebook and a ballpoint pen.

Carmine remembers them from the last time she saw Swanson. She shudders slightly, thinking about what would have happened if Mason hadn't come home to glamour Bill.

"If you don't mind, Sebastian, I would like to ask Carmine these questions in private," Bill says. "Why don't you go grab a coffee or something? We should be done in about 10 minutes."

This chapter marks 60% completion of this book. What do you think about Swanson?

I have awesome news for you guys! Cutthroat Carmine was scouted by Wattpad Headquarters and they want to FEATURE it once it's completed! I am so thrilled! *Happy dance* This will be great publicity and exposure for my work! Thanks to everyone who's read it so far and of course all the people who have voted and commented! I couldn't have done it without you. 

Next update will be on Wednesday July 1. (Canada Day Woohoo!) :)

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