42: [in-ter-uh-gey-shuh n] Pt. 1

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After spending two hours packing up her clothes, books, and other belongings, Carmine flops onto her bed. A heavy weight repeatedly slams against her chest, threatening to crush her.

This is it. It's really happening. She's finally going to leave this wretched little town. So why is she feeling so depressed and anxious? Isn't this what she always wanted? To get away from this boring place and explore new places, see the world? Get a fresh start?

But Carmine knows the real reason she's having reservations about leaving. Despite never having any real friends in high school, Carmine had begun to form real bonds with some of her co-workers at the Millenium Commodore. She would miss them. But not as much as she would miss Sebastian. Is she being cruel for not warning them all about the imminent chaos?

Who would believe her anyway...?

Sebastian Hunter.

Carmine had previously thought she would be leaving Sebastian in Nyla's affectionate arms but now she couldn't help but laugh at her foolish reasoning.

Nyla's right about her. She's a naive and stupid girl. And completely useless when it comes to saving the man she cares about.

Is she really going to abandon Sebastian and the Millie crew at the brink of this supernatural war? Is she really just a ruthless, selfish monster, just like Nyla? But even if she doesn't leave, what can she possibly do? It's futile trying to fight against a coven of bloodlusty vampires and an army of vampire hunters. She would just be another casualty in the war. A blip in the annals of Richmont's history.

Once Carmine is done packing, she stares at her small suitcase. The leather case contains all her worldly belongings. It seems so silly and pathetic that all eighteen years of her life fit so neatly inside a 100 litre, 30" x19.6"x 12.6" case.

Her eyes wander to the little gift box on her bedside drawer. It holds the silver bracelet Sebastian gave her as a belated birthday present. She hadn't been planning on bringing it but she suddenly changes her mind. Unlocking her suitcase, she shoves the box in between two sun dresses.

After snapping shut the suitcase once more, she brings it down to the foyer. Several other suitcases and large backpacks are already waiting by the door.

This is it. It's really happening now. No turning back. Once I say goodbye to Richmont, it's forever.

There's only one thing left to do and she refuses to leave town without doing it. Carmine decides to swing by the hotel and leave her letter of resignation. At least it will offer a little bit of closure for the staff there. At least they will know that she'd been forced to leave by extenuating external circumstances. They'll be upset by the short notice but at least they'll understand.

But they won't know the truth: that she's leaving because she's a criminal and a coward.
A murderer.

Half an hour later, with the handwritten letter in her trembling hands, Carmine walks up to Rory, who's sitting at the concierge desk playing solitaire on the computer.


Rory looks up from his game and his eyes light up when he sees Carmine. "Carmine! I wasn't expecting you in today."

"I'm not here for work. I just came to see Sebastian. Is he here?"

"He's just finishing up a meeting with Lucas Greene. I think they're discussing some security footage."

"Okay. I'll wait for him in his office," Carmine says. "Oh and Rory?"

"Yes Carmine?"

"You look handsome in that shirt," Carmine smiles. "Keep up the good work."

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