18: [gohst] Part Two

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Oh shit. Maybe we do need a lawyer, Carmine thinks. If Father was here, he could glamour Bill. But that would only be a temporary fix. They have Blake's saliva and DNA all over the dead body. He's most likely the prime suspect. His only defense would be that he had no motive. Unless they claim he killed her by accident. What's worse, I only have his word for it that he's innocent. What if he's guilty? The only way we can fully prove his innocence is to find the real killer. It's unfeasible to keep glamoring everyone who comes knocking at the door and pretty soon the inconsistencies will add up and people will suspect foul play.

"Carmine?" Bill cocks his head, "Are you listening?"

Carmine slowly walks towards Bill until she is looming over his head. "Did you really just accuse my little brother of...cannibalism?! He's a sixteen year old kid. What the hell?"

Bill remains calm, not the least perturbed by Carmine's rage. "It sounds...disgusting. I know. But this isn't my first case dealing with...strange phenomenon. It also isn't the first time we've seen a corpse drained of blood. Another girl was found in Larksdale two weeks ago. Similar pattern. Surely you must know the superstitious rumors surrounding Richmont?"

Carmine nods. "I've heard gossip. But I thought it was just that- nothing serious."

"I'm afraid it's quite serious. We are at our wit's end. The principal investigator is leaning towards calling this serial killer 'The Vampire Stalker'. But please, answer my question if you will. But if you are really uncomfortable, again, I would advise you seek some legal counsel. I will naturally be speaking with Blake in private as well. Do you know when he comes home?"

"I'm not sure," Carmine mumbles. I can't let him talk to Blake. He will definitely act suspicious and get us both arrested. "But you can't be serious. My brother, a serial killer? He's a teenager in high school. You can call the school for an alibi; he was definitely nowhere near Larksdale two weeks ago. Now if you don't mind, I would like to make a phone call...to my Father."

"One more thing." Bill states, "You ARE aware that lying to a law enforcement officer is considered obstruction of justice and you and your brother could face felony charges?"

Carmine's lips firm into a scowl. "I don't appreciate your tone and what you are implying. If you'll excuse me."

Before Carmine can reach for her phone, Mason Redoza steps through the door.

"Father!" Carmine is simultaneously relieved and scared to see Mason. He can definitely help her in this sticky situation but it will come at a price: he will lose a bit more faith in her ability to solve her own problems. And it won't be a guarantee that Bill won't come snooping around again.

Mason eyes Bill Swanson, sizing him up. "Who is this?"

Bill hurriedly extends his hand. "Detective Bill Swanson from the RDPD. I was just interviewing your daughter about the dead body her and your son found about a week ago."

"And? Are you finished?" Mason does not look impressed. In fact, his over-protectiveness of his daughter is evidently showing as he loops his arm around Carmine's shoulder. His fingers dig into her arm ever so slightly.

"Actually, we...well, it's up to your son and daughter if they want to hire a lawyer."

"A lawyer?" Mason looks at Bill and then to Carmine. "Why would they need a lawyer?"

"Your son's teeth marks and saliva as well as other DNA was plastered all over the dead woman's fatal head wound." This time Bill explains the stone cold facts without hesitation. "To be honest, there are no other leads. Blake is the prime suspect as of today."

Cutthroat Carmine (Book 1)(COMPLETE) (Wattpad Featured Novel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें