19: [LEE-um] Part Two

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Age restrictions are such silly, human notions. To have rules about what a person can or cannot do based on how old they are is absolutely preposterous. As if reaching the big 'eighteen' somehow made someone different. As if it could turn any old, selfish, entitled ass into a person with enough maturity to vote, take out a bank loan and get married without parental consent.

There are countless adult scumbags roaming around town without enough sense to put two and two together. Conversely, many bright eyed teenagers are intelligent enough to informed decisions about their future, their bodies and their well being...yet aren't legally allowed to do any of those things. Hell, if they have consensual sex with an adult it's considered statutory rape. They are at the mercy of their parents or guardians, regardless of the fact that those adults may not have their best interest in mind. Or that they might be insane, inept and ignorant.

What a stupid world to live in.

Carmine takes a quick shower and slips into a grey t-shirt and shorts. She tiptoes downstairs, intent on slipping out the door for a morning walk when Red clears her throat.

"Happy birthday Carmine." Red walks up to Carmine and gives her daughter a hug. "Today is a big day for you. But it's also a triumphant day for me as well. It's a reminder of the fruits of my labour- eighteen years of hard work raising you and now look at you. You are a beautiful, intelligent and perfect daughter. I couldn't be more proud of you sweetie. Come, I made you breakfast."

Carmine follows Red into the kitchen where a hearty spread is laid out before her: fat sausages links, a mountain load of bacon, sweet ham slices, a fruit platter and fluffy golden pancakes.

"Thanks Mother, this looks great! Will Father and Blake be joining us soon?"

"Yes, they will be down shortly. But dig in before it gets cold!"

Carmine doesn't need to be asked twice. She picks up three bacon slices and shoves them in her mouth all at once. One of upsides or perhaps downsides of having superhuman strength, speed and intellect is the constant need for calories. Despite her slender form, Carmine eats about as much as a 250lb full grown man. Sometimes her ravenous hunger comes at an inconvenient time but for the most part, it's a gift really, because she can literally eat as much as she wants and burn it all off in a few hours. And that's a supernatural ability all in itself.

Blake swings into the kitchen, pouncing on the last slice of bacon. "That's a lot of meat for breakfast," he points out, shoving the slice into his mouth. "What's the occasion?"

Red glares at her son with disapproval. "It's your sister's eighteenth birthday today. How could you forget something so important?"

Blake glances boorishly at Carmine. "Happy birthday sis. Sorry I forgot. My mind's been...preoccupied lately."

Carmine reaches for a handful of raspberries, popping them one after another into her mouth. "It's okay Blake. But after breakfast, I want to talk to you about something."

Red arches her eyebrows at the enigmatic comment but decides not to make a big deal out of it.

Blake shrugs. "Okay."

Mason joins them a few moments later, pulling out a chair and sitting down beside Carmine. "I see you've already finished half of the food all by yourself," he chuckles as he pierces his bag of 'breakfast blood' with a protruding fang. He starts noisily sucking from his pouch. Then he pauses and in a more serious tone, "I'm running out of blood. And since I've recovered perfectly, I plan to start hunting again. And I'll be going back to work next week. It's high time I started providing for this family again. I'm sick of being babied like a child."

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