[ACT FIVE] 40:[kuhm-ing/hohm]

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Sorry for the late update. For some reason I can't update this book via my computer so I'm pissed off about that. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter and leave a vote! 4 more chapters left!

Carmine stands outside the Redoza residence, taking in deep, shaky breaths. The reality of Liam's death hasn't fully settled in yet. Was it only a few hours ago that she followed Liam out of the hotel lobby and into the parking lot? Was he bluffing about releasing the incriminating footage? Or is it already all over social media?

There's been too much bloodshed happening lately in this small town. Richmont was supposed to be a tranquil place for the Redozas to lead semi-normal lives. But it's no longer an idyllic respite from the maddening fray of the cities. Richmont is quickly becoming the newest hub for genuine paranormal activity. The rest of the town just doesn't know it yet.

Despite their differences, Carmine doesn't want to abandon her father. There's also her mother and Blake to think about. She needs to warn them about the new vampires and come clean about the murder and Liam's death. She needs to protect them to the best of her ability. The Redozas need to band together now, more than ever if they are to survive the incoming storm. Carmine can feel it in her bones. The atmosphere is charged with supernatural energy. The air is thick with the scent of blood and fear. Vampires are coming and they're coming fast. A powerful coven will set up camp here soon enough and the Redozas won't be able to hold their ground against an established family with more pure bloodlines.

It's time to forgive, forget, and move on. That's the only way to beat this thing. We need to stick together now more than ever. Carmine walks up the porch steps and raps on the front door.

Moments later, Red opens the door. Upon seeing her daughter's face, a relieved smile washes over Red's face and she gives Carmine a tight hug. "Oh Carmine! I was worried sick about you! Where did you go these two days? Do you know how irresponsible-"

"I missed you too mother," Carmine says, shutting the door behind her. She wants to blurt out the truth about everything but her whole body is dying for rest. Every bone and muscle is screaming in pain. She doesn't have the patience or energy to reveal such a big announcement so late at night. Carmine turns toward the staircase and is about to climb upstairs when Red's voice stops her.

"Where do you think you're going? You haven't answered any of my questions!"

"Mother, it's...11. I'm exhausted. A lot's happened today. Can we talk tomorrow? I will explain everything then. I have something important to announce. I just...I can't- I'm just too tired right now."

"Carmine! Your father, Blake and I have been worried sick about you! I was about to notify the police! You didn't answer your phone. We didn't know where you were. You could've been murdered for all we knew!"

"Well blame it on Father. He was the reason I left."

"What does your father have to do with this? You ran away on your own accord!" Red exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips.

Carmine lets out a chilly laugh. "Is that what he told you? That I just RAN away? For no reason?"

Red bites her lips. She's obviously torn and very confused. "I- Yes."

"It doesn't matter anymore," Carmine sighs, "I'll explain everything first thing tomorrow morning." Then, without another word, she glides to her bedroom and locks the door.

Carmine spends a lot of time tossing and turning in bed, trying to determine the exact phrasing for her announcement tomorrow. No doubt her parents will be livid about the murder but they will understand and eventually forgive her. They have to. She needs to brief them on the very real possibility that Liam will make good on his blackmail threat. And if that happens, they will need to disappear. After all, it's one thing to glamour one detective, it's another thing to try to glamour the whole world. If that footage ever goes public, even if Carmine insists it's a hoax, the Redoza's future will never be the same again.

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