25: [shey-kun] Part Two

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Then she notices Sebastian standing in front of her.

His face is knitted with worry. "Are you okay Carmine? I've been watching you all night and you seem really out of it. Are you sick? Because I can-"

"I'm fine, Sebastian," Carmine reassures him. She pushes past him, intent on getting out of the freezer. The space is too small for the two of them and claustrophobia is quickly settling in.

Sebastian keeps his fingers on the door handle but blocks the entrance. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's going on."

"It's none of your business. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work."

Sebastian doesn't budge. "You're my employee. It's my job to care about your wellbeing."

Carmine snorts. "I don't see you trapping Nyla in the freezer and asking her what's wrong with her."

"That's because Nyla isn't spilling wine on our customers and weaving through the crowd like a disoriented madwoman."

"Madwoman?!" Carmine laughs. "Don't you think you're exaggerating a little?

Sebastian smiles a little. "You get the picture. I'm worried about you. Talk to me. Maybe I can help." With that, he shuts the freezer door, locking them both inside.

Carmine reaches for the handle and twists it but it doesn't budge. "What did you do!"

"Don't worry, someone will find us in a little bit. For now, I want some privacy so we can talk." Sebastian takes a step towards Carmine but she backs away until her back is pressed up against the shelving along the far wall.

Sebastian puts out his hands in front of him. "I don't want to scare you. I just want to know how you're doing. Talk to me."

Carmine crumples inwardly, folding her arms across her chest. She bites her lips and wonders if she should tell Sebastian about her encounter with Chris. She starts shivering uncontrollably; not because it is cold in the freezer but because she suddenly feels violated and helpless all over again. Bound by zip ties and gagged with tape.

Somehow her head finds Sebastian's shoulders and she gives him a small hug. "I-I-Umm..." Her breath catches in her throat and she feels like she's suffocating.

Sebastian strokes her hair. "Shhh...Take your time."

"I almost got raped," Carmine says, burying her face against his neck.

Bad idea.

Sebastian pulls away briefly. "WHAT?!" His tone is filled with rage. "How? When!"

"Two days ago. I-I went to a bar...and this man drugged me. H-He tied me up with cable ties and put tape over my mouth. He dragged me to a shady motel room and-and- he- and..." Carmine sinks to the floor, unable to continue. Her heart is pounding fast like a machine gun, throttling against her chest.

"Oh my God! Did they catch the asshole? Please tell me they did!"

Carmine shakes her head.

"Those goddamn cops. Useless. All of them!" Sebastian pulls Carmine tight against his body, hugging her with all his strength. "I am so sorry Carmine. I- This- I can't believe it."

Carmine takes a deep whiff of Sebastian's scent. Not his cologne or aftershave or his mild shampoo. But his blood scent. It smells pure and sweet. Her nose presses up against his thumping jugular vein; she can feel his life pulsing against her. It would be so easy to...

"Don't worry Carmine. I will make sure the police catch him. I have a cousin who's a detective. I'll call him tomorrow and-"

"NO! DON'T!" Carmine blurts out before Sebastian can say more. "I mean. I don't want to bother you over this. I'm sure the police will handle it. I believe in them."

"It's no bother Carmine," Sebastian says, his cheek slightly rubbing against hers. "I'm close with him. He won't mind helping you out. He's pretty good at what he does."

If his cousin is Detective Swanson I will be in big trouble.

"W-What's his name?" Carmine asks. Please don't say Bill.

"It's Bill. Bill Swanson. He's a great guy. If you don't want me as an intermediary, I'm more than happy to introduce you to him so you can personally give him your side of the story."

Of course it's Bill.

Carmine grips the fabric of Sebastian's shirt tightly, unsure of what to say. If Sebastian tells Bill about her close encounter at the motel, the detective will no doubt piece two and two together. Carmine isn't sure if the cops already know that Chris' friend is dead at the bottom of the river but it won't be long now before his body starts to float. Damn it! Why didn't I weigh the corpse down with that weight in the backseat? Stupid, stupid, stupid! Would it be a better course of action to approach Swanson first and tell him what she just told Sebastian? That way she won't seem suspicious later on for not reporting the assault.

Satisfied with her solution, she nuzzles under Sebastian's chin. Her hormones are through the roof and driving her crazy. All she wants to do is seduce him and then in the throes of passion, sink her teeth into his neck. Suck him dry.

Carmine pulls away. No. Sebastian's been nothing but kind to her. She can't do that to him. She shouldn't be doing it to anyone right now. "Maybe I will talk to your cousin. But for now, let's just get back to work, shall we?"

"Okay." Sebastian shoots Carmine a hopeful smile and then starts pounding on the freezer door. It's thick stainless steel wobbles slightly.

"What if no one can hear us?" Carmine asks. She's not sure how much longer she can stay trapped in this tight space with such a delectable specimen. "It's so noisy out there..."

"Well, someone from the kitchen is bound to come soon either to grab some meat or look for us. Don't worry," Sebastian loops his arm around Carmine's shoulders. "I'm glad you shared your story with me. Glad you trust me."

Carmine's lips tremble, pulling into a weak smile. Someone better come quick.

A few seconds later, they both hear the fire alarm go off. The blaring siren sends Carmine's brain over the edge and she falls to the floor, clutching her head with pain. "Make it stop! Seb, make it stop!"

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