Chapter 9: Police officer

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Chapter 9

"When was the last time you saw your daughter?" The police officer looks serious and gentle when he asks us about Becca.

Yesterday after Peeta called 911 they told us to wait until it's been twenty four hours. It's been twenty six hours and the police is here. Everyone else are here as well. They're going to be questioned as well.

Nathaniel doesn't talk at all right now. Clove says that he's really worried. He can't really focus on anything.

"Yesterday at breakfast", Peeta says. "We ... We had a fight, she was being impossible again and we tried to talk sense into her and she screamed and just left, she never came back after that".

I press my face into Peeta's arm, choking my sobs. I feel a light hand into my arm and I look up to see my son stand there with an unhappy expression, looking at me with big eyes, stroking my arm soothing.

I take Matty in my arms and put him in my lap.

"What was the last thing she said?" The police officer asks.

"I..." Peeta says unsure. "It's pretty complicated there was a lot going on".

"We have to know, everything is important", the police officer says. "Every detail is important".

"We... Had a discussion with her", I say, looking up at the others.

They're standing around us. Riley is standing in front of Fisher who has his arms around her.

"About?" The police officer insists.

"I... She hasn't been herself lately, she's been very cocky and plain mean to us all and..." I don't know how to say this, it's like the words doesn't want to come out, like what I'm about to say can't be real.

"She bullied me in school", Riley suddenly says and the police officer looks up at her. "For a long time, but I didn't tell our parents because I didn't want them to know that one of their daughters is so completely restarted she's actually being bullied by her twin sister". Peeta and I both look up at her, about to protest but she just holds up her hand and continues to talk. "Yesterday before Becca left mom and dad was lecturing her about her behavior, she'd been mean to Matty the day before and she'd been coming home drunk a lot of times during the weeks and she smokes, yesterday she was smoking inside and mom yelled at her for doing that and for being disrespectful towards our father".

Fisher pulls her tighter against him. Her voice is thick with tears.

"I know I should hate Becca for everything she's done, but I can't, I just can't and I just want her to come home", Riley says, tears streaming down her face. "Please just find her".

"I assure you that we're going to do everything we can to..."

"But you can't", Nathaniel suddenly says. Everyone's eyes turn towards him. "If she doesn't want to be found you're not going to find her, unless..."

"She's actually been kidnapped", Fisher finishes. He said the word. The word everyone has been avoiding to said. Now it's been said. "We're Becca's best friends, Nathan, Riley and I, Becca knows how to make herself disappear, we would freak out as kids while playing hide and seek, you just couldn't find her, not ever, I don't know why Becca became like this, I really don't, but she is mean and she might think that this would be a fun joke, to scare us all, it's her version of hide and seek, unless something's actually happened".

I realize that what Fisher is saying is true. That just makes me more scared. If they find her it could be too late for everything.

"So what you're saying is that we're not going to find her unless she wants to be found or someone else does?" The police officer asks.

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