As if reading my mind he continues. "I guess I shouldn't perpetuate stereotypes but when I hear of someone vandalizing my property and insolently admitting to doing so, I expect someone... else. I definitely don't expect someone like you. Well, no matter, we're here now and we clearly have a problem."

"We do?" I ask, trying not to sound too much like a child who's being lectured.

"Mrs Smoak has filled me in first thing this morning. She told me all about you, young lady.As far as I'm concerned you really shouldn't sass me right now.There's a lot you have to lose, don't you?"

"I do?"

His neck takes on a slight tinge of red that slowly creeps up to his jaw and cheeks.

"Who helped you put up that putrid image?" He finally spits out, a few specks of his saliva sprinkling his desk.

"I did it by myself."I say confidently, offering him a sugared smile. "All by myself. I've been planning this for quite some time."

"Do you realize, young lady-" condescending much?! "-that you keeping your mouth shut is not doing you any good? It is actually doing quite the opposite. The only reason you are here is because someone somewhere saw talent in you and decided you would be good enough... well I am sure you don't expect that to come without conditions!"

After getting out of his chair, to assume an authoritative stance, his breathing becomes quite laboured. His face has now fully taken on the bright red of what can only be compared to fire engine red.

"Sir, I understand the conditions of my stay here quite well. I also understand how fortunate I am to receive such an opportunity but I must also react to such atrocious behavior displayed by your students. Especially if I do not receive any help from your staff, namely Mrs Smoak, after having brought what has happened to her attention."

The principal sits back down in his seat and I am sure he would have rolled his eyes if it weren't for the stern image he is still trying to uphold. As he lowers himself back into his seat, I take a couple of deep breaths in order to calm myself down.

A few silent seconds pass before the man across from me starts speaking again.

"I will make you an offer because I am not one to ruin a young woman's life." He clears his throat. "There will be no charges pressed but you are going to pay for the removal of your 'art piece'. The invoice will be sent to your cousin's home for now as I assume that's where you'll be staying." I stir uncomfortably at the mention of Sam. "You will leave campus once the semester is over."

"So in three weeks then?" I question, sounding a little more unnerved than intended.


"Is that all?" I ask breathlessly as I push myself out of the leather seat.

The principal simply nods at me so I turn on my heel and walk out of his office as fast as I can.

As soon as the door shuts behind me, my whole body seems to go limp. My eyes briefly land on Seth's, who just now jumps out of his seat and comes jogging towards me but I walk past him. I feel like strong fingers have wrapped around my lungs, squeezing relentlessly, choking me. My body moves automatically through the administration building, down the stairs and finally outside. Seth shouting my name sounds as though I am under water.

I manage to walk a few more steps before falling to my knees, my hands slapping against the concrete to break my fall.

My lungs desperately try to suck in oxygen but for some reason it's not working.

Why am I panicking?! I knew this was going to happen! I knew from the beginning that this project would get me kicked out so why am I panicking now? Why does it feel like I made a huge mistake?

Living for the fat girl [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now