chapter 20- come back to me :((

Start from the beginning

“I’m not just afraid for myself.” She said and looked at me. “I’m afraid about Larissa, Art, Father, my family, Chanter, Leroy and especially you.” Her eyes are yellow, meaning she’s afraid.

She’s right. All of us don’t know what will happen to us. But all I can do now is protect her. She’s precious to me. I can say that… Now… She’s everything to me.

 We sat there in silence when the nurse said that we can go in Art’s room. Art’s motionless body filled my sight. Larissa immediately ran into his side and held his hand tenderly.

“Neola, can you use your power to heal him?” Larissa asked.

“I don’t know, I’m not in my full power yet.” Neola said.

“Can you at least try?” She asked once more and we all looked at her.

She’s is thinking about it. “Okay, but we have to wait until he’s awake. I needed him to be awake.” She said.

Larissa nodded. “Thank you.”

A while after Larissa fell asleep to Art’s side and so is Neola on the sofa.

“I have to go first; I need to King Xerxes to report to him all that happened here, and to call for back-ups.” He said.

“Back-ups?” I asked.

“Yeah, we can’t just face them on our own can we?”

I nodded. “Right.”

“But when will you be coming back? What if the Vipers come to us?”

“Don’t worry I’ll be back in the morning.” He said and a light appeared, like a portal. “I have my ways remember?” He said smirking at my amused face.

“Yup, I forgot.” I said and on that Leroy disappeared.

The night went through and I fell asleep. When I woke up Steve and Greg are like body guards standing near the door with their arms crossed on their chests.

“Seriously, guys you can sit.” I said. Looking at them they are like father and son.

“Good morning , mister Fox.” Greg greeted me with a smile.

“Morning Greg.” I said to the guy who is younger than me, he’s like 20. “Morning Steve.”

He just nodded. Come to think of it, I never heard him say any word before. After a while Neola woke up so as Larissa.

“Do you want some breakfast?” I asked them and on cue I heard some stomach grumbling, both their eyes immediately turned into pink as I chuckled.

I was about to stand up to buy some breakfast when Greg showed a tray full of food. I raised my eyebrows. “When did you…?” Never mind, I would have guessed that Leroy hires really good men. Wait, now that I think about it. “Are guys… mermaids too?” I asked that made Steve jerked his head and looked at me.

“Mermen.” He simply corrected me. My jaw just dropped. I knew it! There is something wrong about these two. Why didn’t I notice this before? I looked at Greg who is now grinning from ear to ear.

“We’re the soldiers of our kingdom. We are sent to be with sir Leroy since he is one of the top protectors of the kingdom.” Greg said.

“What?!... you’re soldiers?” I exclaimed.

Greg just smiled and now Steve is back to his stern look. We ate our breakfast, when we heard someone groaning.  We all looked at the direction of the noise. Larissa practically ran back to Art’s bed side.

“Art?” She said and held his hands once again and rub it against her cheek.

We all went closer to Art’s side. He moved a finger and I immediately called out the doctor. The doctor came running with 2 nurses.

“Check the vital signs.” The doctor ordered.

After a while he went out of the room.

“Is he okay?” Larissa asked.

“It’s a good thing that he showed some signs of consciousness before 24 hours.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means he’s recovering fast.” The doctor said and smiled and left us.

We all entered the room again and Art is moaning. Larissa went to him and we followed, he was like want to say something. Larissa leaned closer to him to hear clearer. He was murmuring something.


I leaned closer to Art’s mouth; he wanted to say something to me. He took off the thing that humans call oxygen masks.

“I….” He started to speak slowly and forcefully.

“It’s okay… you don’t have to farce yourself, you have to rest.” I told him.

“I…. wanted to … tell you….” He’s breathing heavily. I started to cry.

“Art, please don’t force yourself.”

“Listen…. To me… first…” he said between heavy breathing. “I… Love … you.”

I gasp, did he just said that he loved me? Isn’t that the thing that humans say to someone who is very important to them?

“Art…” More tears fell from my cheeks.

“I love you.” He said one more time, it was like music to my ears.

Before I could answer him, his eyes closed and some beeping sound came out from a machine that has red sign. I heard William shouting calling the doctor.

“Art?... Art please answer me… are you still awake.” I said  but there is no sign of him being awake. “Art, please wake up, I haven’t replied to you yet… you have to wake up.” I was crying hard. “Art please don’t leave me, please wake up I’m begging you. You have to hear me out.”

The doctor and some nurses came and they took me away from him. William held on my tightly. “Please William I need to be with him.” I begged William to release me from his grip.

“I’m sorry but they have to do what they have to do.” Will said.

“Neola please tell him, I need to be with Art right now.” Neola just cried.

“We have to let them do their job.” She said.

“You can make him well! Please Neola!” I literally shouted at the hospital. “Art!! Please wake up! Don’t give up on me Art! Please… just come back to me.” I pleaded him.


Again.... don't forget to comment and VOTE!! hahaha I will upload the next chapter after the trailer is made... so let's all wait for it!!! thanks :)

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