Chapter 20: Save her

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Crimson's POV

I slowly came to my senses. Every fiber of my being was pierced with and excusiating pain, that made me scream out. I opened my eyes to a white room. It didn't seem like the white room I had seen Dr. Smiley in, it was more. Clean. More sanitized. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital. An IV was in my arm, and I was in one of those ugly hospital gowns. My face felt dry, and sticky. I lifted a hand a felt the rough scabs of scars on my face. I started crying, and a door opened. A nurse with straight, rich brown hair came in holding a tray if food. I stopped crying and looked at her.

"Ma'am? What's going on? Why am I in the hospital?" I asked.

"Well, after the beating you took for someone, your friends were lucky enough to get you here so we could save your life. You've been here for two and a half days to be correct." She said.

My eyes widened, and I started crying again. The nurse calmed me down, and she asked if i'd like to see my friends. Without hesitation I said yes. She left the room and twenty minutes later, Jeff ran into the room and kissed me deeply. I kissed back instantly, and he pulled back.

"Oh god. I thought you were dying, and I'd never see you again!" Jeff cried and hugged me.

I flinched at the pressure applied to my stomach wound, but I hugged back. For a moment we caught up, and just said how wrong it felt waiting to see if we lived. It took a while for me to notice, but...Slendy was standing next to the large window, leaning against it with his arms crossed. He watched all the passing traffic down below us and looking at him made me realize something. Where is Night?

My eyes widened and I began crying. I curled into a ball despite the pain, and I covered my face. I began sobbing, and whispering my sister's name. Obliously Slendy knew it wasn't a good idea for me to curl up like I was and he came to help me calm down. After a moment I laid back down, and looked at him with tears staining my pale skin.

"Where's sisy?" I mumbled.

Slender's worried expression became so grim, and the room became dark and filled with tension. I began crying harder and he spoke.

"I don't know. No one will tell us anything." He said darkly, and filled with pain.

The room fell silent and Sally began sobbing.

"I want mommie back!" She cried into Ej's chest.

Ej calmed her down, then a nurse came in. She had a cup of water in her hand, and she sat it on the table next to me. Before the left I stopped her.

"Ma'am?" I said.

She stopped and turned back to me. For a moment her eyes....they were just black. It was...weird. They instantly turned back to a deep sea blue, and I spoke hesitantly.

"Where is my sister?" I asked.

"Who is your sister?" She asked in a sweet, melody.

"Her name is Nightmare, but...all her friends call her Night." I mumbled the last part.

"Oh the red head. She's uhh...doing....good." The nurse mumbled.

"Lie. She's not fine is she? IS SHE!?" I said screaming the last bit.

The nurse flinched, and she looked away. She then turned and ran from the room. More tears trailed down my pale skin, and I screamed out.

"I want Night back!!!" I cried.

After hours of Crying I finally slowly began falling asleep. Darkness filled my mind, and clouded my thoughts. All I wanted now....was my big sister back.

[Slender man's POV]

For hours we laid in Crimson's room. After she fell asleep, one by one everyone else followed her example. Soon I was the only one in the room awake. I stood in front of the large window, leaning against it with my arms crossed. I couldn't stop thinking of Night and how little time we had together. I decided to leave to room and see if any progress has come in with Night. As I left I walked part way down the hall, and I heard voices. Both female, and it wounded like they were by the elevators. I stopped within earshot when I heard the suspicious hiss in their voices.

"Natalia! Don't be killing of staff. Master will come for the girls in time. All he wants is for us to watch them closely, not kill staff for getting to suspicious." A woman sounding voice hissed a bit.

"But Allison! Those doctors were getting too close to knowing she wasn't human. That red head girl, ummm...Nightmare I believe was also dying and the doctor's were just gonna let her!" Natailia hissed and stomped her foot.

I sucked in a silent breath, and my anger rose. Are they just letting Night die!?

"Wait! What? She was dying? Did you save her?"

"Of course I did, but that damn doctor saw what I did. I had to kill him!"

"You know what Natalia? I don't care anymore. Just don't be doing anything stupid. You go check on what's her name. I'll check the other." Allison said and began walking my way.

I ran out of earshot then started walking Back that way. Allison passed me and I have a gentle smile that she returned, and I passed without any hassle. I walked to the front desk, and asked about Night. She pointed me to her room, and I entered. Night laid on the hospital bed, her hair matted to her forehead in cold sweat. I didn't know if I should smile or loose my mind that she wasn't waking up.

I sat by her bedside and the one nurse, Natalia, came in. I didn't realize she had walked in and I began whispering soft pleas to Night.

"Please Night. Don't leave me. I need you to come back to me." I whispered.

A single tear rolled down my pale cheek, landed softly on our intertwined hands.

"I can't loose you. Please come back." I said again.

"You love her don't you?" Natalia asked.

I nodded.

"Very much. I want her Back so badly." I answered.

"I'll leave you to her for a bit." She said, and left to room.

After that it felt like hours I sat there holding her hand, telling her how much I missed her, telling how much I loved and wanted her back. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was the soft a soft flutter ofnher eyes, and a soft twitch of her fingers. The soft skin of her finger tips brushing against my fingers. After that sleep overwhelmed me, and darkness consumed my thoughts, and all the sweet memories we experienced.

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